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[英]Handlebars access an [object object]?

So inside a model I have a structure like this. 因此,在模型内部,我具有这样的结构。 Below is a sample of the structure. 下面是该结构的示例。

var myModel {
    _id: 798698,
    username: "John",
    message: {
        message1: "Some cool messsage",
        message2: "I'm mad Ohio State lost"

I am using backbone marionette and handlebars of course, I have a collection view which at first was just a collection of the models. 我使用的是骨架木偶和车把,当然,我有一个收藏视图,起初只是模型的一个收藏。

var Marionette = require('backbone.marionette');

var ChatView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
    template: require('../../templates/message.hbs')

module.exports = CollectionView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
    initialize: function() {
        this.listenTo(this.collection, 'change', this.render);
    itemView: ChatView

Then in the /message.hbs the template is basic like this. 然后在/message.hbs ,模板是基本的,就像这样。

<div class="message"><b>{{username}}:</b>{{message}}</div>

Well if you look at the structure above message is obviously an [object object] . 好吧,如果您看一下上面的结构, message显然是[object object]

So to the question which I am sure is easy and obvious, how do I loop this view for each object inside the message: attribute, so that the template itself is looped. 因此,对于我确定很容易理解的问题,如何为message:属性中的每个对象循环此视图,以便使模板本身循环。 I think I worded that right. 我想我说的没错。

See ideally It would be nice to create a collection within the model, but I didn't know how and the objects inside message: are built in a vanilla way. 理想情况下查看在模型中创建一个集合会很好,但是我不知道message:内部的方式和对象message:是以香草方式构建的。

So that said I am hoping there is a way to loop those objects with backbone/backbone.marionette and handlebars. 因此,我希望有一种方法可以使这些对象与骨干/backbone.marionette和车把循环。

Thanks 谢谢

In your template, use #each: 在模板中,使用#each:

<div class="message">
    {{#each message}}

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