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[英]Why do I get a concurrency error when hitting Enter without a submit button in EWL?

I have a page with some form items and an EwfLink (not a submit button). 我有一个包含一些表单项和EwfLink的页面(不是提交按钮)。 If I post back by hitting enter on any of the form fields, I get a concurrency error (even if I didn't change anything). 如果我通过在任何表单字段上按Enter回发,则会收到并发错误(即使我没有进行任何更改)。 If I don't do that, the page otherwise works. 如果我不这样做,则该页面可以正常工作。 What's going on? 这是怎么回事?

In HTML, some form controls will post the form when Enter is pressed even if there is no submit button. 在HTML中,即使没有提交按钮,某些窗体控件也会在按下Enter键时发布该窗体。 See http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/association-of-controls-and-forms.html#implicit-submission . 请参阅http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/association-of-controls-and-forms.html#implicit-submission You got a concurrency error because, since there was no submit button, EWF was not expecting an implicit-submission post-back to occur. 您收到并发错误的原因是,由于没有提交按钮,因此EWF并不希望发生隐式提交回发。

I recently improved EWF's support for this situation; 我最近改善了EWF对这种情况的支持; see https://enduracode.kilnhg.com/Code/Ewl/Group/Bill/History/a91e41468f96 . 参见https://enduracode.kilnhg.com/Code/Ewl/Group/Bill/History/a91e41468f96 EWF now throws a helpful exception if you try to build a page that includes implicit-submission form controls but no submit button. 现在,如果您尝试构建一个包含隐式提交表单控件但没有提交按钮的页面,则EWF会抛出一个有用的异常。


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