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在rss xml中读取多个节点

[英]Read more than one node in rss xml

how can I read more category in this XML page? 如何在此XML页面中阅读更多类别? http://feeds.feedburner.com/passionea300allora?format=xml http://feeds.feedburner.com/passionea300allora?format=xml

Because, now I'm using this to read information: 因为,现在我正在用它来读取信息:

var RSSdata = from rss in XElement.Parse(e.Result).Descendants("item")
                          select new RSSItem
                              Title1 = rss.Element("title").Value,
                              Description1 = rss.Element("description").Value,
                              Link1 = rss.Element("link").Value,
                              PubDate1 = rss.Element("pubDate").Value,
                              Category1 = rss.Element("category").Value

But this report me only first category (in the first news, at the moment, it is "Regolamento" at line 19). 但是,此报告仅报告第一类(目前,第一个新闻是第19行的“ Regolamento”)。 I need to read more category and, if possible, author name too 我需要阅读更多类别,如果可能,还要阅读作者姓名

Instead of rss.Element("category") , use rss.Elements("category") . 代替rss.Element("category") ,使用rss.Elements("category") That will return a IEnumerable<XElement> . 这将返回IEnumerable<XElement> You can change your property type to list of categories, or if you want to store values only you can store it into a List<string> like this: 您可以将属性类型更改为类别列表,或者如果只想存储值,则可以将其存储到List<string>如下所示:

var RSSdata = from rss in XElement.Parse(e.Result).Descendants("item")
                      select new RSSItem
                          Title1 = (string)rss.Element("title"),
                          Description1 = (string)rss.Element("description"),
                          Link1 = (string)rss.Element("link"),
                          PubDate1 = (string)rss.Element("pubDate"),
                          Categories = rss.Elements("category")
                                           .Select(x => (string)x)

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