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[英]Passing a model with a Partial View

I want to show a view on some of my forms, which shows a list of alerts, read from a database table. 我想在某些表单上显示视图,该视图显示从数据库表读取的警报列表。 I think I need to use a partial view - but haven't used one. 我认为我需要使用部分视图-但尚未使用过。

So far, I created a partial view in my shared views folder called "_Alerts.cshtml". 到目前为止,我在共享视图文件夹“ _Alerts.cshtml”中创建了局部视图。

In that file, at the moment, I simply have: 目前,在该文件中,我仅具有:

    Layout = null;

This is a shared view.

This is just me trying to display something. 这只是我试图显示的东西。

And then, on my existing page, on which I want to display the alerts, I have this section of code: 然后,在要显示警报的现有页面上,有以下代码部分:

@if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
    <div class="row">
        @Html.Partial("~/Views/Shared/_Alerts.cshtml", null)

This works. 这可行。 However, my understanding is not right. 但是,我的理解是不对的。 At the moment, I pass no model to it. 目前,我没有模型。 Is there no controller for the partial view? 局部视图没有控制器吗? At the moment, I need to create a controller method - somewhere - that gets me a list of alerts from my data service, and then I want to format that and present it in the partial view. 此刻,我需要在某个地方创建一个控制器方法,该方法从数据服务中获取警报列表,然后我要对其进行格式化并将其呈现在局部视图中。 But I am unsure where the controller methods go. 但是我不确定控制器方法在哪里。 If this view is called from 8 different screens, would the 8 controllers for these screens have a call to get my alerts, and format them? 如果从8个不同的屏幕调用此视图,则这些屏幕的8个控制器是否会调用以获取我的警报并进行格式化?

Seems like a lot of duplication. 似乎有很多重复。

They need not be duplication. 它们不必重复。

You can define the action you want inside a controller and call @Html.Action instead of @Html.Partial 您可以在控制器内定义所需​​的操作,然后调用@Html.Action而不是@Html.Partial

Inside you action you can return a partial view. 在操作内部,您可以返回局部视图。

public class AlertsController : Controller 
   public ActionResult Show()
     var model = GetModel();//decide where this will come from.

     return PartialView("~/Views/Shared/_Alerts.cshtml",model);


In your layout view or wherever you need to use it. 在布局视图中或需要使用它的任何地方。 you can simply call it as below. 您可以简单地按如下方式调用它。


If you have all the data you need to pass into the partial, then you can use the @Html.Partial and pass in the model. 如果您拥有传递给partial所需的所有数据,则可以使用@ Html.Partial并传递模型。

If on the other hand, you want the view you are embedding to get the data itself, then you would use Html.RenderAction 另一方面,如果您希望嵌入的视图获取数据本身,则可以使用Html.RenderAction

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