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我正在尝试将Django项目部署到heroku。 我的应用未运行,日志显示错误代码503

[英]I'm trying to deploy my django project to heroku. My app is not running the log shows error code 503

https://github.com/tony161293/hellodjango https://github.com/tony161293/hellodjango

This is my git repo link showing my sample code I'm trying to launch. 这是我的git repo链接,显示了我要启动的示例代码。 The settings.py file was edited as per the documentation in Heroku django deployment. 根据Heroku django部署中的文档编辑了settings.py文件。 I'm trying to run my application. 我正在尝试运行我的应用程序。 Is there any way to explicitly start my application after deployment? 部署后是否有任何方法可以显式启动我的应用程序?

Or any problem with the Procfile in the project..? 或项目中的Procfile有任何问题..?

Can you do the following: 您可以执行以下操作:

heroku logs --tail , then run heroku ps:restart in a new window. heroku logs --tail ,然后在新窗口中运行heroku ps:restart Copy all the logs output, and paste it so we can help you debug! 复制所有日志输出,并将其粘贴,以便我们可以帮助您调试!


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