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从命名实例连接到SQL Server默认实例

[英]Connect to SQL Server Default Instance From Named Instance

I am doing a side by side upgrade from 2k8 to 2k12. 我正在从2k8并行升级到2k12。 The original machine is a named instance and the new machine is a default instance. 原始计算机是命名实例,新计算机是默认实例。 The goal is to not change connection strings from applications. 目的是不更改应用程序的连接字符串。

If I were going from a default instance to a default instance I could change the DNS A record and have it connect. 如果我要从默认实例转到默认实例,则可以更改DNS A记录并将其连接。 However, the application are storing the connection string as OLDSERVER\\OLDINSTANCE. 但是,应用程序将连接字符串存储为OLDSERVER \\ OLDINSTANCE。 The A record is only going to change the OLDSERVER name but the connection is still looking for the \\OLDINSTANCE. A记录仅将更改OLDSERVER名称,但连接仍在查找\\ OLDINSTANCE。

Can SQL Server 2012 be configured to have the default instance accept connections when they are made to an instance that does not exist? 将SQL Server 2012配置为不存在的实例时,是否可以将其配置为让默认实例接受连接?

Thanks, Chris 谢谢克里斯

I went through this exact process a few weeks ago, and what I found out sadly is that it does not appear to be possible without uninstalling the old instance (which I wanted nothing to do with). 几周前,我经历了这个确切的过程,可悲的是,我发现,如果不卸载旧实例,这似乎是不可能的(我不希望这样做)。 Here were some of the many links that I found on the subject and which I imagine you have probably been through as well. 这是我在该主题上发现的许多链接中的一些,我想您可能也曾经浏览过。

StackOverflow 堆栈溢出

SQLServerCentral SQLServerCentral


I tried a number of different things on my local and not one of them worked for me. 我在本地尝试了多种不同的方法,但没有一种对我有用。 In my case, if I could have upgraded the server (downtime would have happened) I would have done it, but we were going from SQL 2K8 Enterprise to SQL 2K12 Standard so that was not possible either. 在我的情况下,如果我可以升级服务器(可能会发生停机),那么我会做到的,但是我们要从SQL 2K8 Enterprise升级到SQL 2K12 Standard,所以也不可能。

I will be interested in seeing if anyone comes up with a way that this can be done outside of an uninstall, but I could not come up with one and everything that I read seemed to back that up. 我将感兴趣的是查看是否有人提出了一种可以在卸载之外完成此操作的方法,但是我无法提出一种方法,并且我阅读的所有内容似乎都可以证明这一点。 Maybe someday we will get an sp_dropserver/sp_addserver that will change instance names. 也许有一天,我们将获得一个sp_dropserver / sp_addserver,它将更改实例名称。

A default instance, as far as the client connecting to it is concerned, is the one listening on 1433. 就连接的客户端而言,默认实例是监听1433的实例。

If you install a named instance with the same name on the new server, and then change it's port to 1433, a client would be able to connect using both NEWSERVER\\OLDINSTANCE and NEWSERVER, as long as the browser is running. 如果在新服务器上安装了具有相同名称的命名实例,然后将其端口更改为1433,则只要浏览器正在运行,客户端就可以使用NEWSERVER \\ OLDINSTANCE和NEWSERVER进行连接。

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