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[英]BackboneJS Add and remove class to clicked element

I have this Backbone App where I fetch a JSON file, which displays the alphabetletters, when clicking on one of those letters, it will display the relevant Artists starting with that letter. 我有一个Backbone App,我在其中获取一个JSON文件,该文件显示字母,当单击这些字母之一时,它将显示以该字母开头的相关Artist。 It works so far but what I want to achieve is to add some kind of active -class to the clicked letter. 到目前为止,它仍然有效,但是我要实现的是在单击的字母中添加某种active -class。 How can i achieve this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

My View looks like this: 我的视图如下所示:

function (App, Backbone) {

    var Alphabet = App.module();
    var LetterView = Backbone.View.extend({
        template: 'alphabetlist',
        tagName: 'li',  
        serialize: function() {
            return this.model.toJSON();


    Alphabet.View = Backbone.View.extend({
        tagName: 'ol',
        className: 'alist',
        initialize: function() {
            this.listenTo(this.collection, 'all', this.render);
            this.listenTo(this.collection, 'sync', this.onSync);

        beforeRender: function() {
            var self = this;

            this.collection.each(function(item) {
                self.insertView(new LetterView({model: item}))
    Alphabet.AlphabetCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
        url: 'js/json/AlphabetCollection.json'

    return Alphabet;

So can anyone help me out? 有人可以帮我吗? Thanks in advance... 提前致谢...


When I do: 当我做:

    events: {
        'click a' : 'toggle'

    serialize: function() {
        return this.model.toJSON();

    toggle: function(event) {

the <ol> -element gets the class, but still not targetting the <li> -element... <ol> -element获取类,但仍不定位<li> -element ...

Should be like this. 应该是这样的。

var LetterView = Backbone.View.extend({
    template: 'alphabetlist',
    tagName: 'li',
    events : {
        "click li" : "toggle"
    serialize: function() {
        return this.model.toJSON();

    toggle : function(e){
        var active = $(e.currentTarget);


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