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[英]Trying to figure out how to write an SQL query to return the nonintersection of two tables for a mysql database, having trouble

Sorry for total noobishness, but I'm trying to write SQL for the following problem involving a mysql database and I'm at a loss. 对于完全noobishness抱歉,但我正在尝试编写SQL以解决涉及mysql数据库的以下问题而且我很茫然。

Here's the problem. 这是问题所在。 Given the following two tables: 给出以下两个表:

14  google.com  bing.com    w3874yf8    alpha       happy+campers
26  radio.com   alice.com   98ygdsfg    beta        slip+slop
13  simon.com   fat.org     98dfyg77    delta       sunrise

14  google.com  happy+campers
14  yahoo.com   fat+albert
14  aol.com     chump+change

I want a query to return EVERY row in Table1 for which there are NO rows in Table2 matching the same (ID,WEBSITE,KEYWORDS) chunk of the row. 我想要一个查询返回Table1中的每一行,其中Table2中没有行匹配该行的相同(ID,WEBSITE,KEYWORDS)块。 In the above example this query would return rows 2 and 3 of Table1 . 在上面的示例中,此查询将返回Table1的第 2行和第3行。

Note that no columns in either table containing individual values unique to the table, though the ID/WEBSITE/KEYWORDS chunk of a row will be unique. 请注意,任何一个表中的列都不包含对表唯一的单个值,尽管行的ID / WEBSITE / KEYWORDS块将是唯一的。

I feel I'm making this far more complicated than it need to be. 我觉得我做的比这要复杂得多。 :/ :/

select * from Table1 as t1
left join Table2 as t2 
    on  t1.PID =t2.PID
        and t1.WEBSITE  =t2.WEBSITE     
        and t1.KEYWORDS = t2.KEYWORDS
where t2.PID is null

There are two common ways to approach this. 有两种常见的方法可以解决这个问题。 The first is a left outer join . 第一个是left outer join Use this construct to match all rows, keeping rows in the first table, and then filter out the ones with a match: 使用此构造匹配所有行,在第一个表中保留行,然后过滤掉匹配的行:

select t1.*
from table1 t1 left outer join
     table2 t2
     on t1.PID = t2.PID and
        t1.WEBSITE = t2.WEBSITE and
        t1.KEYWORDS = t2.KEYWORDS
where t2.PID is null;

The second method is not exists : 第二种方法not exists

select t1.*
from table1 t1
where not exists (select 1
                  from table2 t2
                  where t1.PID = t2.PID and
                        t1.WEBSITE = t2.WEBSITE and
                        t1.KEYWORDS = t2.KEYWORDS

Both these methods can take advantage of an index on table2 : 这两种方法都可以利用table2上的索引:

create index table2_PID_WEBSITE_KEYWORDS on table2(PID, WEBSITE, KEYWORDS);

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