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在 node.js 中导入 sql 文件并针对 PostgreSQL 执行

[英]Import sql file in node.js and execute against PostgreSQL

I'm looking for an efficient way to take a raw sql file and have it executed synchronously against a postgres database, akin to if you ran it through psql .我正在寻找一种有效的方法来获取原始 sql 文件并让它针对 postgres 数据库同步执行,类似于通过psql运行它。

I have an sql file which creates all databases, imports data, etc. I need to execute this using node.js but cannot find any module which does this automatically.我有一个 sql 文件,它创建所有数据库、导入数据等。我需要使用 node.js 执行它,但找不到任何自动执行此操作的模块。 For the node.js application itself, we use node-postgres ('pg'), knex.js and bookshelf.js.对于 node.js 应用程序本身,我们使用 node-postgres ('pg')、knex.js 和 bookshelf.js。 I assume though that pg is best for this.我认为 pg 最适合这个。

One alternative I can think of is to read the full file, split it by semicolons, replace newlines with spaces, trim any duplicate space, then feed it into pg one by one in a manner that they're executed sequentially, not asynchronously.我能想到的一种替代方法是读取整个文件,用分号分割,用空格替换换行符,修剪任何重复的空格,然后以顺序执行而不是异步执行的方式将其一个一个地输入 pg。 I'm a little surprised if this is truly the most efficient way and also if no libraries exist yet to solve this.如果这真的是最有效的方法,并且还没有库来解决这个问题,我有点惊讶。 I'm a little hesitant to jump into it seeing as SQL syntax can itself be a little challenging and I might accidentally mash it up.我有点犹豫要不要跳进去,因为 SQL 语法本身就有点挑战性,我可能会不小心把它混搭。

Some clarifications in advance:提前说明几点:

  • psql cannot be used as it's not installed on the target machine psql不能使用,因为它没有安装在目标机器上
  • I've chosen to develop and source control sql statements in sql native form, because it's a lot easier for a DBA to use and manipulate it我选择以 sql 原生形式开发和源代码控制 sql 语句,因为对于 DBA 来说使用和操作它要容易得多

You can just separate consequent queries with a semicolon when passed to client.query传递给client.query时,您可以使用分号分隔后续查询

That works:那个有效:

var pg = require('pg');

pg.connect('postgres://test:test@localhost/test', function(err, client, done){
        client.query('CREATE TABLE test (test VARCHAR(255)); INSERT INTO test VALUES(\'test\') ');

And consequently, that works too:因此,这也有效:

var pg = require('pg');
var fs = require('fs');

var sql = fs.readFileSync('init_database.sql').toString();

pg.connect('postgres://test:test@localhost/test', function(err, client, done){
        console.log('error: ', err);
    client.query(sql, function(err, result){
            console.log('error: ', err);

I've written the following function which works for my case.我编写了以下适用于我的案例的函数。 It would have been much more simpler if it weren't for:如果不是因为:

  • Using batch to manage concurrency使用batch来管理并发
  • Having the tricky PostgreSQL COPY case to consider需要考虑棘手的 PostgreSQL COPY 案例

Code snippet:代码片段:

function processSQLFile(fileName) {

  // Extract SQL queries from files. Assumes no ';' in the fileNames
  var queries = fs.readFileSync(fileName).toString()
    .replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm," ") // remove newlines
    .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') // excess white space
    .split(";") // split into all statements
    .map(Function.prototype.call, String.prototype.trim)
    .filter(function(el) {return el.length != 0}); // remove any empty ones

  // Execute each SQL query sequentially
  queries.forEach(function(query) {
    batch.push(function(done) {
      if (query.indexOf("COPY") === 0) { // COPY - needs special treatment
        var regexp = /COPY\ (.*)\ FROM\ (.*)\ DELIMITERS/gmi;
        var matches = regexp.exec(query);
        var table = matches[1];
        var fileName = matches[2];
        var copyString = "COPY " + table + " FROM STDIN DELIMITERS ',' CSV HEADER";
        var stream = client.copyFrom(copyString);
        stream.on('close', function () {
        var csvFile = __dirname + '/' + fileName;
        var str = fs.readFileSync(csvFile);
      } else { // Other queries don't need special treatment
        client.query(query, function(result) {

Beware that this would fail if you used semicolons anywhere except to terminate SQL statements.请注意,如果您在除终止 SQL 语句之外的任何地方使用分号,这都会失败。

The @databases/pg client supports running SQL files out of the box:@databases/pg客户端支持开箱即用的运行 SQL 文件:

const createPool = require('@databases/pg');
const {sql} = require('@databases/pg');

const db = createPool();

db.query(sql.file('my-file.sql')).catch(ex => {
  process.exitCode = 1;
}).then(() => db.dispose());

It also supports having multiple statements in a single call to db.query :它还支持在一次调用db.query中包含多个语句:

const createPool = require('@databases/pg');
const {sql} = require('@databases/pg');

const db = createPool();

  INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (${'Forbes'});
  SELECT * FROM users;
  results => console.log(results)
).catch(ex => {
  process.exitCode = 1;
}).then(() => db.dispose());

In this example, each statement is run in sequence, and the result of the last statement is returned.本例中,每条语句依次运行,返回最后一条语句的结果。

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