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[英]Maven multi-module project and webapp project

I have two questions about maven project structure: 关于Maven项目结构,我有两个问题:

1) I am creating a maven multi-module project and would like to know if I can put all the common dependencies of the modules in the parent pom? 1)我正在创建一个Maven多模块项目,想知道是否可以将所有通用的模块依赖项放在父pom中? Is that the right way to do? 那是正确的方法吗?

2) If I am creating a maven webapp project that contains all web.xml and JSP files, where should the web controllers, listeners and model objects be residing? 2)如果我要创建一个包含所有web.xml和JSP文件的Maven Webapp项目,那么Web控制器,侦听器和模型对象应该放在哪里? In a separate maven jar project or in the same webapp project? 在单独的Maven Jar项目中还是在同一webapp项目中?

1) Read up on the difference between dependencyManagement and dependencies . 1)阅读dependencyManagementdependencies之间的区别。 Putting all common dependencies in the parent POM will work, but it's likely to cause spurious dependencies when you add a new module. 将所有常见的依赖项放到父POM中都可以,但是在添加新模块时可能会导致虚假的依赖项。

dependencyManagement is recommended. 建议使用dependencyManagement You can specify all versions and exclusions in a central place, and then it's enough to specify groupId and artifactId for each dependency of each module. 您可以在一个中央位置指定所有版本和排除,然后为每个模块的每个依赖项指定groupIdartifactId就足够了。

2) Java sources directly related to the web layer usually go into the war module (unless you want to reuse them for a different project, then it's better to factor them out into a separate jar ). 2)与Web层直接相关的Java源代码通常会进入war模块(除非您想将它们重新用于其他项目,否则最好将它们分解到一个单独的jar )。

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