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[英](using viewport) ipad scaling works but not iphone, or vice-versa

I've unfortunately hit a brick wall on my web design. 不幸的是,我在网页设计上碰到了砖墙。

Using allows me to successfully pick up the special mobile css, but this has ipad leave a blank space on the right of the page (i've read that it thinks it's less than what it can really be). 使用使我能够成功获取特殊的移动CSS,但这使ipad在页面右侧留有空白(我已经读过它认为它小于实际值)。 I can correct this also in the viewport settings: but that then means it doesn't pick up the css: (ie ink rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/about-mobile.css" media="only screen and (max-width:481px)"> 我也可以在视口设置中对此进行更正:但这意味着它不会拾取CSS :(即ink rel =“ stylesheet” type =“ text / css” href =“ ../ css / about-mobile。 css“ media =”仅屏幕和(max-width:481px)“>

any help that anyone can offer would be so gratefully appreciated best wishes paul 任何人都可以提供的帮助,将不胜感激。保罗

I've sorted it :-) what's needed is to use php to pick up the browser: 我已经对它进行了排序:-)需要使用php来拾取浏览器:

1003, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">device-width"> 1003,初始比例= 1,最小比例= 1“>设备宽度”>

this is so useful towards responsive design - we can pick specify for any kind of browsing equipment with it, it seems. 这对于响应式设计非常有用-看来,我们可以选择使用它来指定任何类型的浏览设备。 I hope this is useful to others :-) 我希望这对其他人有用:-)

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