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如何使用 sed 或 awk 执行“大于”以删除特定行?

[英]How to perform "greater than" with sed or awk to delete specific lines?

as tittle, how sed perform "greater than" to delete specific line?作为标题,sed 如何执行“大于”以删除特定行?
I got a file like this:我有一个这样的文件:

bash-4.2$ cat testfile.txt
string1 1 1
AAA 2 2
string2 2 2
BBB 3 3
string3 3 3
string4 4 4
string5 5 5
string6 6 6
CCC 6 6
string7 7 7
string8 8 8
string9 9 9
string10 10 10
DDD 11 11
string11 11 11
string12 12 12
string13 13 13

I wanna delete some lines which contains "string[[:digit:]]" but string1 to string"$num" is needed, num is defined by a variable.我想删除一些包含“string[[:digit:]]”的行,但是需要 string1 到 string“$num”,num 由一个变量定义。 For example, I wanna keep those lines which contains string1-5 and delete string6-string99, I'd tried:例如,我想保留那些包含 string1-5 并删除 string6-string99 的行,我试过:

read -p "Please Assign the Number of String Line that You Wanna Keep: " num
cat testfile.txt | sed -e "/string[`expr $num + 1`-9]/d" > new_testfile.txt

but it's only working in range 0-8, is there any way to perform it with sed or awk?但它只在 0-8 范围内工作,有没有办法用 sed 或 awk 来执行它?

This 'awk` should do: 该“ awk”应该执行以下操作:

awk '/^string/ {n=substr($1,7)+0;if (n>5 && n<100) next}1' file
string1 1 1
AAA 2 2
string2 2 2
BBB 3 3
string3 3 3
string4 4 4
string5 5 5
CCC 6 6
DDD 11 11

It just skips any line with string"x" where x is larger then 5 and less then 100 它只跳过string"x"任何行,其中x大于5小于100

If high/low comes from variables, this should do: 如果高/低来自变量,则应这样做:

awk '/^string/ {n=substr($1,7)+0;if (n>=l && n<=h) next}1' h="$high" l="$low" file
string1 1 1
AAA 2 2
string2 2 2
BBB 3 3
string3 3 3
string4 4 4
string5 5 5
CCC 6 6
DDD 11 11

Here is one way with awk : 这是awk一种方法:

$ read -p "Please Assign the Number of String Line that You Wanna Keep: " num
Please Assign the Number of String Line that You Wanna Keep: 5
$ awk -v max="$num" '/string/{line=$0;sub(/string/,"",$1);if($1+0<=max){print line};next}1' file
string1 1 1
AAA 2 2
string2 2 2
BBB 3 3
string3 3 3
string4 4 4
string5 5 5
CCC 6 6
DDD 11 11

This is an old question, but if you are coming from a duplicate, perhaps the important thing to understand is that sed does not have any facilities for arithmetic, which is why all the old answers here use Awk.这是一个老问题,但如果你来自重复问题,也许重要的是要理解sed没有任何算术工具,这就是为什么这里所有的旧答案都使用 Awk。

If you can articulate a regex which reimplements your mathematical constraint as a textual constraint, these things are possible;如果您可以阐明一个正则表达式,将您的数学约束重新实现为文本约束,那么这些事情都是可能的;

sed 's/string\([1-9][0-9]\+\|[6-9]\)//' testfile.txt

To briefly spell this out, this finds and replaces string if it is followed by two or more digits, or a single digit which is 6-9 , which implements the requirement by matching the digits as string sequences.简而言之,如果字符串后跟两个或更多数字,或者一个数字6-9 ,它会查找并替换string ,它通过将数字匹配为字符串序列来实现要求。

GNU sed also has a limited facility for executing external commands on the matched text with the non-standard flag /e , but my advice would be to switch to Awk at that point anyway, which allows you to reason about mathematical properties of numbers with a more readable and beginner-friendly syntax as well as vastly better efficiency by way of avoiding to spawn an external process for each expression you want to evaluate. GNU sed在使用非标准标志/e的匹配文本上执行外部命令的功能也很有限,但我的建议是无论如何在那时切换到 Awk,这样你就可以用通过避免为每个要评估的表达式生成外部进程,语法更具可读性和初学者友好性,并且效率大大提高。

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