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[英]Overlap datalabels line chart highcharts

How i can solve the problem of the values (dataLabels) ​​below?我如何解决下面的值(dataLabels)的问题?在此处输入图片说明

My JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/3kVJS/3/我的 JSFiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/3kVJS/3/

     series: [{
         name: 'zzzzzz',
         data: [17.00, 1.00, 5.00, 0.00, 0.00, 35.00, 6.00, 13.00, 233.00, 2.00, 41.00],
         tooltip: {
             shared: true,
             useHTML: true,
             showInLegend: false,
             pointFormat: '<span style=\"color:{series.color}; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #ddd;\">{series.name}</span>: <span style=\"font-size:14px!important\"> {point.y}</span><br/>'


Just add this inside tooltips you will get it what to do.只需在工具提示中添加此内容,您就会知道该怎么做。

tooltip: { style: { padding: 20, fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '30px', } },工具提示:{ 样式:{ 填充:20,fontWeight:'粗体',fontSize:'30px',}},

Highcharts doesn't prevent from dataLabels overlapping. Highcharts 不能防止 dataLabels 重叠。 I have created simple module which prevent's from this, see simple demo: http://jsfiddle.net/menXU/1/我创建了简单的模块来防止这种情况,请参阅简单的演示: http : //jsfiddle.net/menXU/1/

Use module by calling StaggerDataLabels(series);通过调用StaggerDataLabels(series);使用模块StaggerDataLabels(series); , where series is array of all series in chart object. , 其中 series 是图表对象中所有系列的数组。

In the fact it's duplicate of this question , but I couldn't report this.事实上,它与此问题重复,但我无法报告。

Hai 只需在plotOptions添加verticalAlign: 'bottom',而不是使用verticalAlign: 'top',

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