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[英]Copy 1D array to 2D array

Using C/C++ it is possible to do the following: 使用C / C ++可以执行以下操作:

int arr[100];
int ar[10][10];
memcpy(ar, arr, sizeof(int)*100);

Because the C/C++ standard guarantees that arrays are contiguous, the above will copy 1D array to 2D array. 因为C / C ++标准保证数组是连续的,所以上面会将1D数组复制到2D数组。

Is this possible in Java ? 这在Java中可行吗?

This is not possible in Java because a multidimensional array in Java is actually an array of arrays. 这在Java中是不可能的,因为Java中的多维数组实际上是一个数组数组。 The elements are not stored in a contiguous block of memory. 元素不存储在连续的内存块中。 You will need to copy the elements row by row. 您需要逐行复制元素。

For example, here's one of several possible techniques: 例如,以下是几种可能的技术之一:

int arr[100] = . . .;
int ar[10][10] = new int[10][10];
int offset = 0;
for (int[] row : ar) {
    System.arraycopy(arr, offset, row, 0, row.length);
    offset += row.length;

From the Java Language Specification, §15.10.1 , here are the steps that happen when evaluating the array creation expression new int[10][10] (note in particular the last point): Java语言规范,§15.10.1 ,这里是评估数组创建表达式new int[10][10]时发生的步骤(特别注意最后一点):

  • First, the dimension expressions are evaluated, left-to-right. 首先,从左到右评估维度表达式。 If any of the expression evaluations completes abruptly, the expressions to the right of it are not evaluated. 如果任何表达式评估突然完成,则不评估其右侧的表达式。

  • Next, the values of the dimension expressions are checked. 接下来,检查维度表达式的值。 If the value of any DimExpr expression is less than zero, then a NegativeArraySizeException is thrown. 如果任何DimExpr表达式的值小于零,则抛出NegativeArraySizeException。

  • Next, space is allocated for the new array. 接下来,为新阵列分配空间。 If there is insufficient space to allocate the array, evaluation of the array creation expression completes abruptly by throwing an OutOfMemoryError. 如果没有足够的空间来分配数组,则通过抛出OutOfMemoryError突然完成对数组创建表达式的求值。

  • Then, if a single DimExpr appears, a one-dimensional array is created of the specified length, and each component of the array is initialized to its default value (§4.12.5). 然后,如果出现单个DimExpr,则创建具有指定长度的一维数组,并将数组的每个组件初始化为其默认值(第4.12.5节)。

  • Otherwise, if n DimExpr expressions appear, then array creation effectively executes a set of nested loops of depth n-1 to create the implied arrays of arrays. 否则,如果出现n个DimExpr表达式,则数组创建有效地执行一组深度为n-1的嵌套循环,以创建隐含的数组数组。

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