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[英]reading from stdin using read() in C

I want to read from the stdin char by char and compare it with a different char using system-calls only, my problem is , given the code: 我想按字符从stdin char中读取,并仅使用系统调用将其与其他char比较,我的问题是,给定代码:

#include "util.h"
#define STDOUT 1
#define STDIN 1
#define SYS_READ 3
#define SYS_WRITE 4
#define SYS_OPEN 5
#define SYS_CLOSE 6
#define SYS_LSEEK 19

int main (int argc , char* argv[], char* envp[])
    char  str[512];
    int fd;
    if((fd= system_call(SYS_OPEN,STDIN,0, 0777))==-1){
        system_call(SYS_WRITE,STDOUT,"stdin error", 11);

    while((system_call(SYS_READ,fd, str,1))>0){
            system_call(SYS_WRITE,STDOUT,str, 1);
            system_call(SYS_WRITE,STDOUT,"\n", 2);
        system_call(SYS_WRITE,STDOUT,str, 1);       

return 0;

I have an Assembly file that turn this: "system_call(SYS_WRITE,STDOUT,"\\n", 2);" 我有一个汇编文件将其转换为:“ system_call(SYS_WRITE,STDOUT,” \\ n“,2);” to write(...); 来写(...);
now the problem is, I don't know how to make it wait for the input, so it never starts the while loop because it didn't read a thing from the input to begin with. 现在的问题是,我不知道如何让它等待输入,所以它永远不会启动while循环,因为它没有从输入中读取任何内容。

edit, the code to System-Call: 编辑,将代码转到系统调用:

push    ebp             ; Save caller state
mov     ebp, esp
sub     esp, 4          ; Leave space for local var on stack
pushad                  ; Save some more caller state

mov     eax, [ebp+8]    ; Copy function args to registers: leftmost...        
mov     ebx, [ebp+12]   ; Next argument...
mov     ecx, [ebp+16]   ; Next argument...
mov     edx, [ebp+20]   ; Next argument...
int     0x80            ; Transfer control to operating system
mov     [ebp-4], eax    ; Save returned value...
popad                   ; Restore caller state (registers)
mov     eax, [ebp-4]    ; place returned value where caller can see it
add     esp, 4          ; Restore caller state
pop     ebp             ; Restore caller state
ret                     ; Back to caller

Solved 解决了

I ended up fixing the problem with STDIN(define was off), and not defining a fd to receive the values and it ended up working, not sure why exactly still, I'm guessing fd was set non-blocking . 我最终用STDIN(define已关闭)修复了这个问题,并且没有定义fd来接收值,并且最终无法正常工作,不知道为什么仍然如此,我猜fd被设置为non-blocking。


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