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[英]Under what assumption does Re-Sharper shows me “Use implicitly typed local variable” message?

In my understanding C# started as a static language and with some enhancements in the .NET framework and started supporting the dynamic nature of the language. 以我的理解,C#开始是一种静态语言,并且对.NET框架进行了一些增强,并开始支持该语言的动态性质。

I think the "var" keyword in c# is very powerful when it comes to loading the DLLs at the runtime and we do not know the types coming our way, it is very helpful. 我认为,在运行时加载DLL时,c#中的“ var”关键字非常强大,而且我们不知道即将到来的类型,它非常有帮助。

But I think it brings the overhead of determining the type of the variable if the variable has been declared as a var at design-time. 但是我认为,如果在设计时已将变量声明为var,则会带来确定变量类型的开销。 Now, re-sharper which is responsible for making our code much more nicer and cleaner by doing some nice suggestions has suggested me something like below: 现在,re-sharper负责通过提出一些不错的建议使我们的代码更加漂亮和整洁,这向我建议了以下内容:

My code looks like this: 我的代码如下所示:

StatusResult result = new StatusResult();

Resharper suggests that it has to be converted into Resharper建议将其转换为

 var result = new StatusResult();

Why is that? 这是为什么? why should I buy resharper's suggestion when I think that it is not a good idea? 当我认为这不是一个好主意时,为什么应该购买resharper的建议? Or may be I am wrong? 还是我错了?

This is mostly an opinion-based question, but there's one issue worth addressing: it is very important to distinguish type inference from dynamic typing. 这主要是一个基于意见的问题,但是有一个值得解决的问题:将类型推断与动态类型区别开来非常重要。

In dynamic i = 0; dynamic i = 0; , i is declared as a dynamic variable, whose type is only resolved in run time. i被声明为动态变量,其类型仅在运行时解析。 It may result in an overhead. 这可能会导致开销。

In var i = 0; var i = 0; i is declared as an int . i被宣布为int The var keyword means only that the variable type will be inferred by the compiler at compile time. var关键字仅意味着在编译时由编译器推断变量类型。 There's no "design-time" type inference overhead, since var i = 1; 因为var i = 1; ,所以没有“设计时”类型推断开销var i = 1; and int i = 1 compiles to the same set of instructions. int i = 1编译为同一组指令。 It's got nothing to do with dynamic typing. 它与动态类型无关。

As to your question, 关于你的问题

Why is that? 这是为什么? why should I buy resharper's suggestion when I think that it is not a good idea? 当我认为这不是一个好主意时,为什么应该购买resharper的建议?

Here is my opinion from my experience. 根据我的经验,这是我的看法 Some pro's of accepting this particular suggestion: 一些专业人士接受这个建议:

  • It aids in refactoring because StatusResult only occurs once 它有助于重构,因为StatusResult仅发生一次
  • It shortens the line and removes a redundant declaration that is easily inferred by someone reading the code 它缩短了行并删除了多余的声明,该声明很容易被读取代码的人推断出来
  • It is less typing and the line is written faster when coding 打字少,编码时行写得更快

Now, if the line of code was: 现在,如果代码行是:

var result = GetStatusResult();  // A method call

I personally would not use var because a maintainer now needs to grok GetStatusResult() to see what var is. 我个人不会使用var,因为维护人员现在需要查看GetStatusResult()以查看var是什么。

At the end of the day it is a personal decision, unless you have to follow a coding standard, in which case you should lobby to change the standard or just go along with it. 归根结底,这是个人决定,除非您必须遵循编码标准,在这种情况下,您应该游说更改标准或只是遵循该标准。

As a side note, and as Benesh mentions below, var != dynamic. 作为旁注,正如Benesh在下面提到的,var!= dynamic。 I think this is where var get's a bad rap. 我认为这是var get不好的地方。 Plus the overuse in the example of when not to use it I provided above. 加上上面提供的何时不使用示例的过度使用。

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