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[英]Using w2ui with Rails: Submitting a form

I am trying to build a Rails application with w2ui . 我正在尝试使用w2ui构建一个Rails应用程序。

I have hit my first snag when trying to submit a form built with w2ui. 尝试提交使用w2ui构建的表单时,我遇到了第一个障碍。

I have a simple model called Project with two attributes: name and description . 我有一个名为Project的简单模型,具有两个属性: namedescription

The standard, scaffolded form built by Rails submits the form data as follows: Rails构建的标准脚手架表单提交的表单数据如下:

project[name]:Test Project
project[description]:A description

However, the form data submitted by w2ui looks as follows: 但是,w2ui提交的表单数据如下所示:

record[project[name]]:Test Project
record[project[description]]:A description

That is, w2ui wraps the data further in a record variable, which means I must either change the controller in Rails, which I am not wanting to do, or find a way to get w2ui to not wrap the data the way it does. 也就是说,w2ui将数据进一步包装在一个record变量中,这意味着我必须在我不想做的Rails中更改控制器,或者找到一种方法来使w2ui不再按照它的方式包装数据。

My code for w2ui is taken pretty much straight from their demos: 我的w2ui代码几乎直接来自其演示:

$(function () {
        name  : 'project_form',
        url   : '/projects.json',
        fields: [
            { name: 'project[name]', type: 'text', required: true },
            { name: 'project[description]',  type: 'text' }
        actions: {
            reset: function () {
            save: function () {
                this.submit(); // tried .save() as well, same result

First prize would be if w2ui could be configured to do this. 一等奖将是如果可以将w2ui配置为执行此操作。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗? I don't see anything in the w2ui docs... 我在w2ui文档中什么都看不到...

I faced the same problem and straight away could not get a solution. 我遇到了同样的问题,无法立即解决。 I added the below to form options, it just copies all params inside record to post data. 我在表单选项中添加了以下内容,它仅将记录内的所有参数复制到发布数据中。

  onSubmit: function(formName, formObj){
    $.extend(formObj.postData, formObj.postData.record);

Its been long you have asked this question, if you knew a better solution please let me know. 您问这个问题已经很久了,如果您知道更好的解决方案,请告诉我。

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