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[英]Javascript function is not getting called on OnKeyPress and OnKeyDown event

I am trying to call a function validatQty on onkeypress and onkeydown event of a text. 我正在尝试在文本的onkeypress和onkeydown事件上调用validatQty函数。 It was working fine when I was just passing event (single parameter) to this function. 当我只是将事件(单个参数)传递给此函数时,它运行良好。 But when I tried to add a second parameter which I am getting through PHP, the function is not getting called anymore. 但是,当我尝试添加通过PHP获取的第二个参数时,该函数不再被调用。 Where is the error in my following code. 我的以下代码中的错误在哪里。

In my PHP File 在我的PHP文件中

<input type="text" id="txtAnyName" 
       onkeypress='return validateQty(event, <?php echo $data['anyName']; ?>)' 
       onkeydown='return validateQty(event, <?php echo $data['anyName']; ?>)'>

Javascript file Javascript文件

function validateQty(event, anyName) 

    var key = window.event ? event.keyCode : event.which;

    if ( key < 48 || key > 57 ) 
        return false;


you missing double quotes in your function... 您在函数中缺少双引号...

<input type="text" id="txtAnyName" 
       onkeypress='return validateQty(event, "<?php echo $data['anyName']; ?>")' 
       onkeydown='return validateQty(event, "<?php echo $data['anyName']; ?>")'>

here is working example of jsbin 这是jsbin的工作示例

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