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如何在Twitter Bootstrap中同时打开两个模态对话框

[英]How to open two modal dialogs in Twitter Bootstrap at the same time

I have implemented bootstrap dialog in my project. 我在我的项目中实现了引导程序对话框。 I have some delete functionality in that dialog, and the delete confirmation message opens another bootstrap dialog. 我在该对话框中有一些删除功能,删除确认消息打开另一个引导对话框。 But when the second confirmation dialog is open, the first dialog is not disabled and all the events work. 但是当第二个确认对话框打开时,第一个对话框不会被禁用,所有事件都会起作用。

Is there any solution to disable the original dialog when another dialog opens? 是否有任何解决方案在另一个对话框打开时禁用原始对话框?

Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

function OpenDialogForSelectionAdmItem(title, content, callback) {
    var dlg = new BootstrapDialog({
        title: title,
        content: content,
        buttons: [{
            label: 'Save',
            cssClass: 'btn-primary',
            id: 'btnSave',
            onclick: function (dialog) {

            label: 'Close',
            cssClass: 'btn',
            id: 'btnClose',
            onclick: function (dialog) {
                if (callback != "") {


Screenshot: 截图:


When the dialog for delete confirmation is open, I want to disable the first dialog. 当删除确认对话框打开时,我想禁用第一个对话框。

The Problem: 问题:

In order to understand the intricacies of modal dialogs in web development, you'll need to understand a bit more about the z-index property and stacking contexts . 为了理解Web开发中模态对话框的复杂性,您需要更多地了解z-index属性和堆栈上下文

In short, the dialog works by adding two principal components to the DOM: a background that takes up the entire screen, and a div comprising your dialog. 简而言之,该对话框的工作原理是向DOM添加两个主要组件:占据整个屏幕的背景,以及包含对话框的div。 Each of those stand out from the rest of the page because they are put at the the root level of the DOM and given a high value for their z-index property. 其中每个都从页面的其余部分中脱颖而出,因为它们被置于DOM的根级别,并为其z-index属性赋予高值。 How high? 多高? Well, try adding a blank modal to a blank page and you'll see the following DOM elements: 好吧,尝试在空白页面中添加空白模态,您将看到以下DOM元素:

<div class="modal-backdrop fade in"></div>  <!-- z-index: 1030; -->
<div class="modal bootstrap-dialog">        <!-- z-index: 1040; -->
    <div class="modal-dialog">              <!-- z-index: 1050; -->

The modal-backdrop gives the illusion of a true modal process because it renders above all the other content which prevents clicks from firing anywhere below. modal-backdrop给出了真实模态过程的错觉,因为它首先呈现了阻止点击在下方任何地方发射的所有其他内容。 The only reason the modal-dialog is allowed to receive clicks is because it is stacked on top of the background, by providing a higher z-index. 允许modal-dialog获得点击的唯一原因是,它通过提供更高的z-index而堆叠背景之上

That's it! 而已! That's the whole bag of tricks. 这是一大堆技巧。 So when bootstrap cautions against use multiple dialogs , they're doing so because stacking becomes tricky. 因此,当bootstrap 警告不要使用多个对话框时 ,他们这样做是因为堆叠变得棘手。 If you add another element, it gets rendered with the same exact z-index , meaning that it will be above the regular page content, but on the same plane as the original dialog. 如果添加另一个元素,它将使用相同的精确z-index进行渲染,这意味着它将位于常规页面内容之上,但与原始对话框位于同一平面上。 If it doesn't completely cover the original, then the original will still be clickable because there is no backdrop above it. 如果它没有完全覆盖原件,那么原件仍然可以点击,因为它上面没有背景。

The Solution: 解决方案:

In order to resolve this, you need to come up with your own way of disabling clicks on background modals. 为了解决这个问题,您需要提出自己的方法来禁用背景模式的点击。 This issue appears to have been ( partially ) resolved. 此问题似乎已( 部分 )得到解决。 See the following example: 请参阅以下示例:

Demo in jsFiddle 在jsFiddle演示

Bootstrap Dialog made it so that clicking off of a dialog simply closes the last dialog in the DOM and marks the event as handled so it won't fire anything else. Bootstrap Dialog使得单击关闭对话框只会关闭DOM中的最后一个对话框并将事件标记为已处理,因此它不会触发其他任何内容。 If the second modal is up and you click off of it, the only thing that will happen is the second modal will close. 如果第二个模态已启动并且您单击它,则唯一会发生的是第二个模态将关闭。

More Advanced Handling: 更高级处理:

If you want the second modal to look like it's over the first one, you'll have to do that manually. 如果你想让第二个模态看起来像第一个模态,那么你必须手动完成。

When the new modal is created, it comes with it's own modal-backdrop . 当创建新模态时,它会带有它自己的modal-backdrop When the second modal is shown, you can have it appear above the original by incrementing its z-index relative to the first modal. 当显示第二个模态时,您可以通过相对于第一个模态递增其z-index使其显示在原始模式上方。 In the onshown event, we just have to grab the current modal and it's overlay and modify the z-index using the .CSS method. onshown事件中,我们只需要抓取当前模态并使用.CSS方法重叠并修改z-index。 We want this to appear above any existing modals, so first we'll count the number of modals in the DOM ( $('.bootstrap-dialog').length ) and then increment the z-index so it's higher than the next highest dialog. 我们希望它出现在任何现有的模态之上,所以首先我们将计算DOM中的模态数( $('.bootstrap-dialog').length )然后递增z-index,使其高于下一个最高值对话。

Call like this: 像这样打电话:

function OpenDialogForSelectionAdmItem(title, content, callback) {
    var dlg = new BootstrapDialog({
        title: title,
        message: content,
        onshown: function(dialog) { var tier = $('.bootstrap-dialog').length - 1; dialog.$modal.prev(".modal-backdrop") .css("z-index", 1030 + tier * 30); dialog.$modal .css("z-index", 1040 + tier * 30); } 
        // More Settings

Working Demo in jsFiddle 在jsFiddle工作演示

Screenshot: 截图:


As a proof of concept, here's a Demo that allows you to continually add dialogs on top of other dialogs 作为概念验证,这里有一个Demo,允许您在其他对话框之上不断添加对话框

Infinite Dialogs Fiddle 无限对话小提琴

UX Caution: UX警告:

While this is technically possible to achieve, modals within modals can create a confusing UX , so the right answer if you have the problem might be to try to avoid it altogether by taking the original workflow and promoting it to a full page design with a url and state. 虽然这在技术上是可以实现的,但是模态中的模态可能会产生令人困惑的UX ,因此如果遇到问题,正确答案可能是通过采用原始工作流并将其推广到带有URL的整页设计来完全避免它和州。

First add class to primary modal so: <div class="modal-content kk"> I simply use: 首先将类添加到主模态,所以: <div class="modal-content kk">我只是使用:

$('#myModal1').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
$('#myModal1').on('hidden.bs.modal', function () {


where .magla css is: 其中.magla css是:

.magla {
     -webkit-filter: blur(5px);
  -moz-filter: blur(5px);
  -o-filter: blur(5px);
  -ms-filter: blur(5px);
  filter: blur(5px);


Try looks good for me. 试试看起来对我不错。

Just hide the actual modal using the onclick method 只需使用onclick方法隐藏实际模态

<button data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal-to-show-id" onclick="$('#actual-modal-id').modal('hide');">
    Text Button

My humble solution: Generate a new ID for each new modal. 我不起眼的解决方案:为每个新模态生成一个新ID。 Then just manage everything through one variable. 然后通过一个变量管理所有内容。 It's working for my purposes, btw. 这是为了我的目的,顺便说一下。

$( document ).on( 'show.bs.modal' , '.modal' , function(){
    _MODAL_LAST = $(this);
$( document ).on( 'hide.bs.modal' , '.modal' , function(){
    if( _MODAL_LAST.attr('id') !== $(this).attr('id') ){
        return false;
        _MODAL_LAST = $(this).prevAll('.modal:first');

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