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在Windows Phone 8应用中使用天蓝色推送通知

[英]push notifications with azure in windows phone 8 app

I am using Azure services in my windows phone 8 app to send push notifications and toast notifications by following the steps mentioned here . 我正在Windows Phone 8应用程序中使用Azure服务,请按照此处提到的步骤发送推送通知和祝酒通知。

However as mentioned in the comments below on the link, HttpNotificationChannel does not have a Uri property , it's ChannelUri , so the code to create a new Registrations object need to be changed. 但是,如下面的链接注释中所述, HttpNotificationChannel does not have a Uri property (即ChannelUri ,因此需要更改用于创建新Registrations对象的代码。

Could anyone suggest a turnaround or a solution to this bug? 有人可以建议对此种错误进行周转或解决吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!


Handle = CurrentChannel.ChannelUri.ToString();

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