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[英]Haskell: Yesod and Esqueleto

How do you get runDB in Yesod 1.2 to work with Esqueleto? 如何在Yesod 1.2中获得runDB与Esqueleto一起使用?

import Database.Esqueleto as E
getMainR :: Handler Html
getMainR = do
        leases <- runDB $ E.select $ 
                          E.from $ \l -> do
                          E.where_ (l E.^. LeaseId E.==. E.val 1)
                          return l

        defaultLayout $ do
          setTitle "Main"

Here is the error output: 这是错误输出:

    Couldn't match type `persistent-'
                  with `SqlPersistT'
    Expected type: YesodDB App [E.Entity val0]
      Actual type: SqlPersistT (HandlerT App IO) [E.Entity val0]
    In the second argument of `($)', namely
       $ from
         $ \ l
             -> do { where_ (l ^. LeaseId ==. val 1);
                     return l }'
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      leases <- runDB
                $ select
                  $ from
                    $ \ l
                        -> do { where_ (l ^. LeaseId ==. val 1);
                                return l }
    In the expression:
      do { leases <- runDB $ select $ from $ \ l -> do { ... };
           defaultLayout $ do { setTitle "Tenants" } }

    Couldn't match expected type `E.EntityField val0 typ0'
                with actual type `Import.EntityField
    In the second argument of `(^.)', namely `LeaseId'
    In the first argument of `(==.)', namely `l ^. LeaseId'
    In the first argument of `where_', namely
      `(l ^. LeaseId ==. val 1)'

I was trying to follow along this tutorial but it seems they have runDB set up differently than how the Yesod scaffolding does it. 我试图按照本教程进行操作,但是似乎他们对runDB的设置与Yesod脚手架的设置方式不同。 https://github.com/yesodweb/yesod/wiki/Multi-select-field-populated-from-database-(using-esqueleto) https://github.com/yesodweb/yesod/wiki/Multi-select-field-populated-from-database-(using-esqueleto)

It was a dependency issue. 这是一个依赖问题。 Esqueleto had to be compiled with the latest version of persistent and persistent-sqlite. Esqueleto必须使用最新版本的persistent和persistent-sqlite进行编译。

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