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[英]onclick not working for Chrome Extension?

I'm trying to create an extension for Google Chrome, and onclick method does not seem to be working. 我正在尝试为Google Chrome创建扩展程序,并且onclick方法似乎不起作用。 I have an html file popup.html: 我有一个html文件popup.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="demo">Before clicking button</p>
<button type="button" id="thing">Pls work</button>
<script src="popup.js"></script>

And JavaScript file popup.js: 和JavaScript文件popup.js:

var a =0;
function myFunction()
    a= a +1;
document.getElementById('thing').onclick = myFunction();

And, finally, a manifest file: 最后,一个清单文件:

  "name": "Hello World!",
  "version": "1.0",
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "description": "My first Chrome extension.",
  "browser_action": {
    "default_icon": "shark.png",
    "default_popup": "popup.html"

When I load this extension onto Chrome and then click on the extension, it presents an extension window that goes straight to saying "1", rather than the message "Before clicking button." 当我将此扩展程序加载到Chrome上然后单击该扩展程序时,它会显示一个直接显示“1”的扩展程序窗口,而不是“单击按钮之前”消息。 Then, when I try to click the button, nothing happens- that is, the text remains 1, and does not increment like it should. 然后,当我尝试单击按钮时,没有任何反应 - 也就是说,文本保持为1,并且不会像应该的那样增加。

Thank you so much!! 非常感谢!!

Try this : 尝试这个 :


 window.onload = function() {
    var a =0;
    function myFunction()
        a= a +1;
    document.getElementById('thing').onclick = myFunction;


<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="popup.js"></script>
<p id="demo">Before clicking button</p>
<button type="button" id="thing">Pls work</button>

The only think that needs to change is 唯一需要改变的想法是

document.getElementById('thing').onclick = myFunction();


document.getElementById('thing').onclick = myFunction;

The first on executes the function instead of setting the function to execute for the onclick event. 第一个on执行函数而不是设置要为onclick事件执行的函数。

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