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MySQL 将两列合并为一列

[英]MySQL combine two columns into one column

I'm trying to find a way to combine two columns into one, but keep getting the value '0' in the column instead to the combination of the words.我试图找到一种将两列合并为一列的方法,但继续将列中的值 '0' 改为单词的组合。

These are what I've tried as well as others:这些是我和其他人都尝试过的:

SELECT column1 + column2 AS column3
FROM table;

SELECT column1 || column2 AS column3
FROM table;

SELECT column1 + ' ' + column2 AS column3
FROM table;

Could someone please let me know what I'm doing wrong?有人可以让我知道我做错了什么吗?

My guess is that you are using MySQL where the + operator does addition, along with silent conversion of the values to numbers.我的猜测是您正在使用 MySQL,其中+运算符进行加法,以及将值静默转换为数字。 If a value does not start with a digit, then the converted value is 0 .如果值不以数字开头,则转换后的值为0

So try this:所以试试这个:

select concat(column1, column2)

Two ways to add a space:添加空格的两种方法:

select concat(column1, ' ', column2)
select concat_ws(' ', column1, column2)


select (column1 || ' '|| column2) from table;


SELECT CONCAT(column1, ' ' ,column2) AS newColumn;


select concat(concat(column1,' '), column2)

If you are Working On Oracle Then:如果您在Oracle工作,那么:

SELECT column1 || column2 AS column3
FROM table;


If You Are Working On MySql Then:如果您正在使用 MySql,那么:

SELECT Concat(column1 ,column2) AS column3
FROM table;

For the MySQL fans out there, I like the IFNULL() function.对于 MySQL 爱好者,我喜欢IFNULL()函数。 Other answers here suggest similar functionality with the ISNULL() function in some implementations.此处的其他答案建议在某些实现中与ISNULL()函数具有类似的功能。 In my situation, I have a column of descriptions which is NOT NULL , and a column of serial numbers which may be NULL This is how I combined them into one column:在我的情况下,我有一列NOT NULL的描述和一列可能为NULL的序列号这就是我将它们组合成一列的方式:

SELECT CONCAT(description,IFNULL(' SN: ', serial_number),'')) FROM my_table;

My results suggest that the results of concatenating a string with NULL results in a NULL .我的结果表明,将字符串与NULL连接的结果会产生NULL I have been getting the alternative value in those cases.在这些情况下,我一直在获得替代价值。

I have used this way and Its a best forever.我用过这种方式,它永远是最好的。 In this code null also handled在此代码中 null 也处理

ISNULL(Title,'') + ' ' + ISNULL(FirstName,'') + ' ' + ISNULL(LastName,'') as FullName 
FROM Customer

Try this...尝试这个...


| column1 | column2 |
|   abc   |   xyz   |

In Oracle :Oracle

SELECT column1 || column2 AS column3
FROM table_name;



| column3           |
| abcxyz            |

If you want to put ',' or '.'如果你想放',''.' or any string within two column data then you may use:或两列数据中的任何字符串,然后您可以使用:

SELECT column1 || '.' || column2 AS column3
FROM table_name;



| column3           |
| abc.xyz           |
convert(varchar, column_name1) + (varchar, column_name)
SELECT Column1 + ' - ' + Column2 AS 'FullName' FROM TableName                              
SELECT   CONVERT (nvarchar (10), Month(NextDate))+'-'+CONVERT (nvarchar (10), Year(NextDate)) as MonthOfYear, COUNT(CaseNo) as CountDisposal
FROM dbo.Main_Cause_List 
WHERE (DisposalState = 'Dispossed-off') 
GROUP BY Month(NextDate),Year(NextDate);

try to use coalesce() and concat() to combine columns in the SQL query.尝试使用coalesce()concat()组合SQL 查询中的列。

Assume that you have 4 columns (id, name, phone_number, country_code) in a user table and you want to print phone number in this format: +countrycodephonenumber假设您在用户表中有 4 列(id、name、phone_number、country_code)并且您想以这种格式打印电话号码: +countrycodephonenumber

Eg: 1, vishnu, 9961907453, 91 will return phone number as +919961907453.例如:1, vishnu, 9961907453, 91 将返回电话号码为 +919961907453。

You can use the following query to get the above result.您可以使用以下查询来获得上述结果。

select coalesce(concat('+', country_code, phone_number)) from user;

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