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Node.Js与iPhone Objective C开发的应用程序兼容吗?

[英]Is Node.Js compatible with iPhone Objective C development for apps?

I am a designer interested in making a shift to iPhone App Development. 我是一位有兴趣转向iPhone App Development的设计师。 I am looking to spend the weeks after my exams studying how backend and frontend iPhone development works. 我希望在考试后的几周里花时间研究后端和前端iPhone开发的工作方式。

If I want to ultimately build an app which requires a frontend work in ObjectiveC/Xcode environment will I be able to use Node.js for example to compile user data and databases for backend data? 如果我想最终构建一个需要在ObjectiveC / Xcode环境中进行前端工作的应用程序,是否可以使用Node.js例如为后端数据编译用户数据和数据库?

As I understand it (please correct me if I am wrong) to do an app which connects to servers for data requests you need a backend development. 据我了解(如果我错了,请纠正我)做一个连接到服务器以处理数据请求的应用程序,您需要进行后端开发。 I have been reading about node.js and it seems very fast and its javascript which I like. 我一直在阅读有关node.js的信息,它看起来非常快,而且我喜欢它的javascript。

What would be the easiest combo to get into. 最简单的组合是什么。 I really am not technical and want to limit the pain for compatibility issues. 我真的不是技术人员,想限制兼容性问题。

Will Objective C and Node.js be compatible? 目标C和Node.js是否兼容? Do you have any outside recommendations with experience you like to share? 您是否有其他值得分享的经验外建议?

Thank you 谢谢

At a high level, any web server that has the ability to accept http requests and respond with some content (JSON, XML, HTML, string...) will work, you just have to use the correct methods for submitting the request and parsing the response. 在较高的层次上,任何能够接受http请求并以某些内容(JSON,XML,HTML,字符串...)响应的Web服务器都可以使用,您只需使用正确的方法来提交请求并进行解析响应。

Personally, I've been using node.js for an API that I created and host it on AWS. 就个人而言,我一直在使用node.js作为我创建并托管在AWS上的API。 It's lightning fast and I've had no issues. 闪电般快,我没有问题。 As with most programming languages today, objective-c has libraries that allow you to submit http requests and parse JSON responses. 与当今大多数编程语言一样,objective-c具有允许您提交http请求和解析JSON响应的库。

Node.js supply web interface just like any other backend stack you can choose, so it is suitable for iPhone backend development. 就像您可以选择的任何其他后端堆栈一样,Node.js提供Web界面,因此适用于iPhone后端开发。

You can also skip the entire backend development, hosting solution and DNS boilerplate if you wish, by using backend as a service solutions like Parse or Stackmob 如果愿意,还可以通过使用后端即服务解决方案(例如Parse或Stackmob)来跳过整个后端开发,托管解决方案和DNS样板

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