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Spring MVC - 静态上下文中的 Autowired Repository NullPointerException

[英]Spring MVC - Autowired Repository NullPointerException in static context

In my model I have a repository called UserRepository .在我的模型中,我有一个名为UserRepository的存储库。 Additionally I have a UserFacade that basically adds the user to the repository and is accessed by the Controller.此外,我有一个UserFacade ,它基本上将用户添加到存储库并由控制器访问。 The repo is @Autowired in the Facade.该 repo 是 Facade 中的@Autowired When I want to add a new user I get a nullPointerException for the repository.当我想添加一个新用户时,我会收到存储库的 nullPointerException。

My spring-servlet.xml contains the required我的spring-servlet.xml包含所需的

<jpa:repositories base-package="project.user.repositories" />

while repositories is the folder containing the UserRepository.java .而 repositories 是包含UserRepository.java的文件夹。 It extends the CrudRepository:它扩展了 CrudRepository:

public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long> {
    User findByUsername(String username);

Facade.java is the object containing repository: Facade.java是包含存储库的对象:

public class UserFacade {
    private static UserRepository userRepo;

    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserFacade.class);

    public UserFacade(){} //Thought it might work if I add a constructor and call it?

    public static User findByUsername(String username) {
        logger.debug(username+userRepo);  // prints SomeStringnull
        return userRepo.findByUsername(username); //NullPointerException

And from my controller I have a method like:从我的controller我有一个方法,如:

@RequestMapping(value = CONTEXT)
public String test(){
    User user = UserFacade.findByUsername("get"); 
    //obviously user will be null if there is no such user
    return "success";

Imports will should not be a problem as I am using Android Studio.导入应该不会成为问题,因为我使用的是 Android Studio。 What did I miss?我错过了什么?

Note: There are many great answers to related questions (like this one ), but each has it's own, different context and didn't help me.注意:相关问题有很多很好的答案(比如这个),但每个都有自己的不同背景,对我没有帮助。

Spring doesn't autowire static fields. Spring 不会自动装配static字段。 That is why userRepo field is null .这就是userRepo字段为null One way is to make the UserFacade a bean itself, and then you can make userRepo a non-static field.一种方法是让UserFacade本身UserFacade一个 bean,然后你可以让userRepo成为一个非静态字段。 I would prefer this way.我更喜欢这种方式。 UserFacade shouldn't really be a utility class, since it is interacting with the repository bean. UserFacade不应该是一个实用程序类,因为它与存储库 bean 进行交互。 It would make much more sense to make it a bean.把它做成豆子会更有意义。

Another option is to provide a setter, and use @Autowired on that:另一种选择是提供一个setter,并在其上使用@Autowired

public void setUserRepo(UserRepository userRepo) {
    UserFacade.userRepo = userRepo;

Or using it even on a parameterized constructor would work.或者甚至在参数化构造函数上使用它也可以。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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