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[英]Angularjs populating corresponding values for selected option in dropdown

I have data being passed to my view in following format 我有以下格式的数据被传递到我的视图

id name color type 1 Ford red sdean 2. Nisan blue truck ........ ID名称颜色类型1福特红色轿车2.尼桑蓝色卡车........

Following dropdown populates it by name 以下下拉列表按名称填充

<tr  ng-repeat="p in allautos">                                        
         <select  ng-model="p.id"  ng-options="c.id as c.name for c in records"></select>
         <input type="text" ng-model=p.color />
         <input type="text" ng-model=p.type />

What I am trying to do is when name is selected in the drop down I want corresponding values to populate in the input fields of color and type. 我要尝试的是在下拉列表中选择名称时,我希望在颜色和类型的输入字段中填充相应的值。 Please let me know the best way to achieve that. 请让我知道实现此目标的最佳方法。 Thanks 谢谢

I think you are looking for this: 我认为您正在寻找:

<select ng-model="p" ng-options="c.name for c in records track by c.id"></select>

http://plnkr.co/edit/m9ubFrYdAgPXMGhfri79?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/m9ubFrYdAgPXMGhfri79?p=preview

This uses a tracking expression to help angular to match the auto in the option array. 这使用跟踪表达式来帮助角度匹配选项数组中的auto。

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