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[英]Where-Object clause fails when run as a workflow in PowerShell

I'm trying to extract static routes from all AD computer using the Get-NetRoute cmdlet. 我正在尝试使用Get-NetRoute cmdlet从所有AD计算机提取静态路由。 It works well when run outside a workflow, but as soon as I try to run the same code within a workflow it fails with the following exception: 当在工作流之外运行时,它可以很好地工作,但是,一旦我尝试在工作流中运行相同的代码,它就会失败,但出现以下异常:

System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException: Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.

I could trace this back to the Where-Object "?" 我可以追溯到Where-Object“?” filter. 过滤。 The "? {}" section in commented line of code makes it fail. 代码注释行中的“?{}”部分使其失败。 Without that filter it works perfectly. 没有该过滤器,它会完美运行。

Code is here: 代码在这里:

cd C:\Users\Public\Documents

workflow Get-StaticRoutes  {
    # Change the error action to 'stop' to get try/catch working
    # Get-NetRoute -Protocol NetMgmt -AddressFamily IPv4 | ? { $_.DestinationPrefix -ne "" } | % {
    Get-NetRoute -Protocol NetMgmt -AddressFamily IPv4 | % {
        [PSCustomObject] @{
            ComputerName      = $env:COMPUTERNAME
            InterfaceName     = $_.InterfaceAlias
            InterfaceIndex    = $_.InterfaceIndex
            DestinationPrefix = $_.DestinationPrefix
            NextHop           = $_.NextHop
            Comment           = ""

# Get all computers from AD
$computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * | % { $_.Name }

# Retrieve IP config
Get-StaticRoutes -PSComputerName $computers | Export-Csv ".\StaticRoutes.csv" -NoTypeInformation

I could filter after the workflow to fix this problem, but I would like to understand what I do wrong as this ParameterBindingException is rather obscure. 我可以在工作流之后进行过滤以解决此问题,但是我想了解我做错了什么,因为ParameterBindingException非常模糊。

Thanks, 谢谢,

Olivier. 奥利维尔。

To run commands or expressions in a workflow that are valid in Windows PowerShell, but not valid in workflows, run the commands in an inlineScript activity. 要在工作流中运行在Windows PowerShell中有效但在工作流中无效的命令或表达式,请在inlineScript活动中运行命令。 You can use also an inlineScript activity to run Windows PowerShell scripts (.ps1 files) in a workflow. 您还可以使用inlineScript活动在工作流中运行Windows PowerShell脚本(.ps1文件)。

Try this ( not tested ) 试试这个(未经测试)

workflow Get-StaticRoutes  
   inlinescript { Get-NetRoute -Protocol NetMgmt -AddressFamily IPv4 |
                     ? { $_.DestinationPrefix -ne "" } | 
                % {
                    [PSCustomObject] @{
                                        ComputerName      = $env:COMPUTERNAME
                                        InterfaceName     = $_.InterfaceAlias
                                        InterfaceIndex    = $_.InterfaceIndex
                                        DestinationPrefix = $_.DestinationPrefix
                                        NextHop           = $_.NextHop
                                        Comment           = ""

side note: 边注:

  • $env:computername outside the inlinescipt activity resolve to local computer name. 内联活动之外的$env:computername解析为本地计算机名。 Inside the inlinescipt activity resolve to the remote computer name. 在inlinescipt活动中,解析为远程计算机名称。

    • the object returned by a workflow is a serialized object and not the object created in the inlinescript activity or workflow process ( this means, in simple terms, that you can't have object method but only the properties of the object ) 工作流返回的对象是序列化的对象,而不是inlinescript活动或工作流过程中创建的对象(简单来说,这意味着您不能具有对象方法,而只能具有对象的属性)

Remember that with Workflows you need to use named parameters. 请记住,在工作流中,您需要使用命名参数。 When you run something like this: 当您运行类似这样的内容时:

$a = $b | ?{$_.Name -eq "John"}

You're really running this: 您实际上正在运行此:

$a = $b | where-object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "John"}

The latter works fine in a workflow without using those pesky inlinescripts. 后者在工作流程中可以很好地工作,而无需使用那些讨厌的内联脚本。

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