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在 php 脚本中执行 unoconv 命令

[英]Execute unoconv commant in php script

I want to develop a functionality where users can upload their presentation files (*.ppt) and after uploading we will convert those ppt in the pdf.我想开发一个功能,用户可以上传他们的演示文件 (*.ppt),上传后我们将这些 ppt 转换为 pdf。

I was trying it using unoconv,我正在尝试使用 unoconv,

unoconv -f pdf presentation.ppt unoconv -f pdf 演示文稿.ppt

through the command it runs successfully and convert the uploaded ( .ppt) file into ( .pdf) file.通过它成功运行的命令并将上传的( .ppt)文件转换为( .pdf)文件。

But when i am trying to do this through php script, it fails.但是当我尝试通过 php 脚本执行此操作时,它失败了。

exec(unoconv -f pdf presentation.ppt); exec(unoconv -f pdf 演示文稿.ppt);

please help, thanks for your answers in advance.请帮助,感谢您提前回答。

Thanks Atul谢谢阿图尔

尝试使用exec("unoconv -f pdf presentation.ppt");

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