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使用 php 清理上传的多张图片

[英]Sanitizing uploaded multiple images using php

I'm using this code for uploading multiple images.I want to add image sanitizing codes for preventing any attack.I also want to rename uploaded files to unique name using md5 hash algorithm..How can i do these things..Please help me..我正在使用此代码上传多个图像。我想添加图像清理代码以防止任何攻击。我还想使用 md5 哈希算法将上传的文件重命名为唯一名称..我该怎么做这些事情..请帮助我..


$count = 0;
$errors= array();
foreach($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] as $key => $tmp_name )
$file_name = $key.$_FILES['file']['name'][$key];
$file_size =$_FILES['file']['size'][$key];
$file_tmp =$_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$key];

$size = getimagesize($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$key]);
if ($size === FALSE) {
die("Oopz,This is not an image");

$enc_id= $_POST['form_id'].$_POST['name3'];
$md5folder = md5($enc_id); 
$upload_path ="uploads/".$md5folder;

mkdir($upload_path, 0777, true);



Also I want know does this part of code makes any sense?我也想知道这部分代码有意义吗?

$size = getimagesize($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$key]);
if ($size === FALSE) {
die("Oopz,This is not an image");

Use this to sanitize database inputs:使用它来清理数据库输入:

function cleanInput($input) {

$search = array(
'@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si',   // Strip out javascript
'@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si',            // Strip out HTML tags
'@<style[^>]*?>.*?</style>@siU',    // Strip style tags properly
'@<![\s\S]*?--[ \t\n\r]*>@'         // Strip multi-line comments

$output = preg_replace($search, '', $input);
return $output;
function sanitize($input) {
if (is_array($input)) {
    foreach($input as $var=>$val) {
        $output[$var] = sanitize($val);
else {
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $input = stripslashes($input);
    $input  = cleanInput($input);
    $output = mysql_real_escape_string($input);
return $output;

Use this to calculate md5 hash for the file name only:使用它来计算文件名的 md5 哈希值:

$image = "image1.jpg"; 
$filehash = md5($image );

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