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SQL Oracle日期时间字符串格式过滤器

[英]SQL Oracle datetime string format filter

In oracle, I have table called Ship as shown below; 在oracle中,我有一个名为Ship的表,如下所示;

The date and time are present in a single column as string format. 日期和时间以字符串格式显示在单个列中。

f_ID      f_type    f_date

1001      A 3/30/14 12:00:44 PM

1001      B 3/30/14 10:05:45 AM

1002      A 2/4/14 11:31:11 AM

1002      B 2/3/14 9:43:21 AM

1003      A 2/3/14 9:37:04 AM

1003      B 12/13/14 10:13:43 AM

1004      A 2/3/14 10:49:50 AM

1005      B 2/3/14 11:00:43 AM

1006      A 2/3/13 11:02:28 AM

1006      B 2/3/14 11:07:23 AM

1006      C 2/3/14 9:19:11 AM

1007      A 2/4/14 11:32:30 AM

1007      B 2/4/14 11:32:30 AM

1007      C 2/4/14 11:32:30 AM

1007      D 2/4/14 11:32:30 AM

I wish to query/list IDs ( f_ID ) which only have exact date for each record, but the time stamps can be different. 我希望查询/列出每个记录仅具有确切日期的ID( f_ID ),但时间戳可以不同。

How can I query this in Oracle? 如何在Oracle中查询? I'm having difficulty in querying as the date and time are merged in a single column. 由于日期和时间合并在单个列中,因此查询时遇到困难。

The result should be 结果应该是

f_ID    f_type  f_date

1001    A   3/30/14

1001    B   3/30/14

1004    A   2/3/14 

1005    B   2/3/14 

1007    A   2/4/14 

1007    B   2/4/14 

1007    C   2/4/14 

1007    D   2/4/14 

To get the list of s_id and dates, use an aggregation with a having clause: 要获取列表s_id和日期,使用与聚合having条款:

select s.s_id, trunc(date), count(*)
from ship s
group by s.s_id, trunc(date)
having min(date) <> max(date)

EDIT: 编辑:

If your date is a string, then you should fix the data. 如果您的日期是一个字符串,那么您应该修复数据。 The format that you have is awful. 您的格式太糟糕了。 If you have to store a date as a string, always use the ISO standard YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS format (or something similar). 如果必须将日期存储为字符串,请始终使用ISO标准YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS格式(或类似格式)。 But you can still do what you want: 但是您仍然可以做您想做的事情:

select s.s_id, substr(date, 1, instr(date, ' ')), count(*)
from ship s
group by s.s_id, substr(date, 1, instr(date, ' '))
having min(date) <> max(date)

I would do: 我会做:

select f_ID, f_type, trunc(f_date) f_date
from Ship
order by f_date;

This will allow you to detect the lines with same date, whatever the timestamp. 无论时间戳如何,这将使您能够检测具有相同日期的行。

You can ignore the time using the TRUNC function: 您可以使用TRUNC函数忽略时间:

FROM ship
WHERE TRUNC(ship.date_field) = SOME_DATE;

If you just want to get all the possible dates: 如果您只想获取所有可能的日期:

FROM ship;

This should do what you need: 这应该可以满足您的需求:

Select f_id, f_type, SubStr(f_date, 1, InStr(f_date, ' '))
From Ship s 
Where Exists( Select 1
                From Ship x 
               Where SubStr(s.f_date, 1, InStr(s.f_date, ' ')) = 
                     SubStr(x.f_date, 1, InStr(x.f_date, ' '))
                 And s.f_date <> x.f_date )
Order By f_id, f_type

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