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[英]Error in IF statement powershell

I think there's a problem with this if statement. 我认为if语句存在问题。

Function Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled([string]$profile)
    Return [bool](Get-NetFirewallProfile -name "Domain" | Where Enabled -eq "False")

# If the firewall for some of the 3 profiles is not enabled
if ( ((Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Domain")) -or (Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Private")) -or (Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Public"))) -eq "False")
    Write-Output "Enabling..."
    # Enable Windows firewall for for all (the 3 profiles)
    Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain,Private,Public -Enabled True

Whether I have activated a firewall or not, this script always does nothing. 无论我是否激活了防火墙,此脚本始终不执行任何操作。 What's happening? 发生了什么?


# Now this function is dynamic
Function Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled([string]$profile)
    Return [bool](Get-NetFirewallProfile -name $profile | Where Enabled -eq "True")

# If the firewall for some of the 3 profiles is not enabled
if ( -not(Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Domain")) -or -not(Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Private")) -or -not(Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Public")) )
    Write-Output "Enabling..."
    # Enable Windows firewall for for all (the 3 profiles)
    Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain,Private,Public -Enabled True

As Robert mentioned, you are using the string False , not the Boolean $false in your if statement. 如Robert所述,您在if语句中使用字符串False ,而不是布尔值$false

But the logic in your if statement isn't working as expected: 但是if语句中的逻辑无法按预期工作:

if(((Boolean) -or (Boolean) -or (Boolean)) -eq $false)

will not produce the desired result in Powershell (it will only execute if all of the values are $false ). 将不会在Powershell中产生所需的结果(仅在所有值均为$false时才执行)。 Since if always executes on $true , you can achieve desired results by simply -not -ing the values from Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled like so: 因为if总是在执行$true ,你可以通过简单地达到预期的效果-not -ing从值Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled像这样:

if((-not(Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Domain")) -or (-not(Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Private")) -or (-not(Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Public")))

This will execute the if block when any of the values are $false . 当任何一个值为$false时,它将执行if块。

You want to use $false not "False" . 您要使用$false而不是"False"

"False" is a string literal and will never match if the boolean value returned by the condition ((Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Domain")) -or (Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Private")) -or (Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Public"))) is false. “ False”是字符串文字,如果条件((Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Domain")) -or (Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Private")) -or (Get-IsFirewallProfileEnabled("Public")))为假。

For example: 例如:

if ("False") { write-host "true" }

The line above will always write "true" to the host. 上面的行将始终向主机写入“ true”。 This is because a non-empty string literal equates to $true. 这是因为非空字符串文字等于$ true。

The line below will never write "true" to the host. 下面的行永远不会向主机写入“ true”。

if ($false) { write-host "yes" }

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