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[英]Solr boosting results by number of values in a multi-valued field

Is there a way to boost documents by the number of values in a particular multi-valued field - at query time? 有没有一种方法可以在查询时提高特定多值字段中的值数量来增加文档数量? ie More the number of values, more the boost. 即,更多的值,更多的提升。

Is there something like bf="count(pets)^5.0" - where pets is a multivalued field? 是否有类似bf="count(pets)^5.0" -其中pets是多值字段?

I am aware I can store the count at index time and use a value boost using bf="number_of_pets^5.0" when querying. 我知道我可以在索引时间存储计数,并在查询时通过bf="number_of_pets^5.0"使用值提升。 However, I am trying to find a query time solution for this, so that I can avoid modifying the schema (and re-indexing everything) just for achieving this. 但是,我试图为此寻找一个查询时间解决方案,以便避免为了实现此目的而修改架构(并重新索引所有内容)。

This has already been asked multiple times before. 这已经被问时间之前。 Looks like a wanted feature! 看起来像一个通缉的功能!

Looking at the wiki I couldn't see any functions related to multivalue field so I think it is safe to assume that nothing has changed since after these answers were provided. 看着维基,我看不到任何与多值字段相关的功能,因此我认为可以肯定的是,自提供这些答案以来,没有任何变化。

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