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[英]copying array modifies behaviour of function using the original array

Edit: I've edited my code to add the 'extern"C"' part (not sure if that makes a difference) 编辑:我已经编辑我的代码以添加'extern“ C”'部分(不确定是否有区别)

So I have this small code: 所以我有这个小代码:

extern "C"{
   void foo(int* nR,int* mR,float* x,float* out){       //&& 
       const int n=*nR,m=*mR;

that works fine. 效果很好。 But now I want to copy the n-array of float x before passing it to the function other_foo (since other_foo will be altering x and I want to keep a copy). 但是现在我想在将float xn-array传递给函数other_foo之前复制它(因为other_foo将更改x且我想保留一个副本)。

if I do like so, all works fine: 如果我喜欢,一切正常:

extern "C"{
   void foo(int* nR,int* mR,float* x,float* out){       //&& 
       const int n=*nR,m=*mR;
       float y[n];
       for(int i=0;i<n;i++) y[i]=x[i];

but if I do like so: 但是如果我喜欢这样:

extern "C"{
   void foo(int* nR,int* mR,float* x,float* out){       //&& 
       const int n=*nR,m=*mR;
       float y[n];

all hell breaks lose: the output of other_foo is not the same anymore! 所有的地狱都输了: other_foo的输出不再相同!

My question is, of course, why? 我的问题当然是为什么?

There is no difference between these two code snippets relative to the result of copying. 相对于复制结果,这两个代码段之间没有区别。

void foo(int* nR,int* mR,float* x,float* out){      //&& 
    const int n=*nR,m=*mR;
    float y[n];
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)    y[i]=x[i];

void foo(int* nR,int* mR,float* x,float* out){      //&& 
    const int n=*nR,m=*mR;
    float y[n];

The both copy n elements from x to y. 两者都将n元素从x复制到y。

However this code is not C++ compliant. 但是,此代码不符合C ++。 The size of an array shall be a constant expression known at compile time. 数组的大小应为在编译时已知的常数表达式。 So it would be more correctly to allocate the array dynamically. 因此,动态分配数组会更正确。

For example 例如

void foo(int* nR,int* mR,float* x,float* out){      //&& 
    int n = *nR, m = *mR;
    float *y = new float[n];
    std::copy( x, x+n, y );
    other_foo( n, m, x, out );
    // other code  maybe including delete [] y

I think that the problem is not in this function. 我认为问题不在于此功能。 It seems that the problem is in called function other_foo 看来问题出在所谓的函数other_foo中

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