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[英]Convert an SVG element to a g element using d3.js

I am using D3 in a page where my objective is to superimpose two groups of paths : I have the earth coastlines as a background map (imported from a GeoJSON file), and I want to superimpose an old map on it, which is a separate SVG : http://bl.ocks.org/bperel/9943623/250fc9af2e09bf176f6d510e0b59fe643d792287 我在一个页面中使用D3,该页面的目的是叠加两组路径:我将地球海岸线作为背景地图(从GeoJSON文件导入),并且希望在其上叠加旧地图,这是一个单独的地图SVG: http//bl.ocks.org/bperel/9943623/250fc9af2e09bf176f6d510e0b59fe643d792287

The SVG loading went well, however I would like my two maps to be included inside the same SVG element : it will be easier if I want the maps to be panned or zoomed. SVG的加载进展顺利,但是我希望将两个地图包含在同一个SVG元素中:如果希望平移或缩放地图,这会更容易。 The issue here is that the external SVG has a specific viewbox, so if I move its <g> elements to the other SVG, the coordinates get messy. 这里的问题是外部SVG具有特定的视图框,因此,如果将其<g>元素移动到另一个SVG,则坐标会变得混乱。 Hence my question : is there a way to convert the 2nd SVG to a <g> element that I could include in the first SVG ? 因此,我的问题是:有没有办法将第二个SVG转换为可以包含在第一个SVG中的<g>元素? Maybe d3 knows how to do that but I couldn't find such a tool in the documentation. 也许d3知道该怎么做,但是我在文档中找不到这样的工具。

If you are going to zoom/pan the superimposed SVG's, Include both svg's in a <g> container element and attach zoom behavior to the <g> container. 如果要缩放/平移叠加的SVG,请将两个 svg 包含在<g>容器元素中,并将缩放行为附加到<g>容器。

Essentually, you will have: 从本质上讲,您将拥有:

<svg id=topSVG>
<g id=container>
<svg id=projection1>
<svg id=projection2>

Below is a snippet relating to my mouswheel zoom for d3: 以下是与我的d3摩沙轮缩放有关的摘要:

var myZoom=d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([.1, 1000]).on("zoom", mouseWheelZoom)

function callZoomBehavior()
    //---attach to root svg---
    //---reset from previous file call---

var PrevScale //--previous scale event---
function mouseWheelZoom()
    //--place in d3 object--
    var zoomG=d3.select("#topZoomG")
    if(PrevScale!=d3.event.scale) //--transition on scale change--
        zoomG.transition().attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")")
    else //--no transition on pan---
        zoomG.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")")

originalSVG = the SVG element you want to clone and convert into g element quasiClone = the result of that parentOfClone = parent below you want to put your new g element originalSVG =您要克隆并转换为g元素的SVG元素quasiClone =该parentOfClone =父元素的结果,您要在其中放置新的g元素

    var quasiClone = parentOfClone.append("g");
    for (var i=0; i<originalSVG.childNodes.length; i++){
        var child = originalSVG.childNodes[i];
        var childClone = child.cloneNode(true);

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