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python中的“ sed -f” bash命令等效

[英]“sed -f” bash command equivalent in python

I have a set of regular expressions for substitution in a file (sed.clean) as follow: 我在文件(sed.clean)中有一组用于替换的正则表达式,如下所示:

#!/bin/sed -f
s/https\?:\/\/[^ ]*//g

and some more lines like those. 还有更多类似的内容。 I want to use this file for 'clean' a set of text files. 我想使用此文件来“清理”一组文本文件。 To do this in bash I'd do something like this: 为了做到这一点,我会做这样的事情:

for file in $(ls rootDirectory)
    sed -f sed.clean $file > OUTPUT_FILE

How could I do something similar in Python? 如何在Python中做类似的事情?

What I mean is if it is possible to leverage the n RE which I have in the sed.clean file (or rewrite them in the proper Python format) in order to avoid building a nested loop to compare each file with each RE, and just compare each file with a sed.clean python file as I do in bash. 我的意思是说,是否有可能利用sed.clean文件中的n RE(或以正确的Python格式重写它们)以避免构建嵌套循环以将每个文件与每个RE进行比较,并且像我在bash中一样,将每个文件与sed.clean python文件进行比较。 Something like this: 像这样:

files = [ f for f in listdir(dirPath) if isfile(join(dirPath,f)) ]
for file in files:
    newTextFile = re.sub(sed.clean, file)
    saveTextFile(newTextFile, outputPath)

instead of this: 代替这个:

REs = ['s/https\?:\/\/[^ ]*//g', 's/\.//g',...,'y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/']
files = [ f for f in listdir(dirPath) if isfile(join(dirPath,f)) ]
for file in files:
    for re in REs:
        newTextFile = re.sub(re, '', file)
        saveTextFile(newTextFile, outputPath)

Thanks! 谢谢!

These sed patters appear to blank out lines matching certain patterns from a file. 这些sed模式似乎使文件中与某些模式匹配的行空白。 In python readlines() , filter() and re.sub() would be your best pick. 在python readlines()filter()re.sub()是您的最佳选择。

Try the re.sub like this: 尝试这样的re.sub:

import re
>>> re.compile(r'\.')
<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x9d48c80>
>>> MY_RE = re.compile(r'\.')
>>> MY_RE.sub('','www.google.com')

You can compile any regex in re.compile() 您可以在re.compile()中编译任何正则表达式

You'll have to convert your sed script replacements to Python equivalents. 您必须将sed脚本替换项转换为Python等效项。

# is equivialent to
re.sub("<pattern>", "<replacement>", <input>, flags=<python-flags>)

Note that this is greedy, so there's no need for /g at the end of the pattern. 请注意,这是贪婪的,因此在模式末尾不需要/g Moreover, you should not include lags in the pattern, as they are passed as a separate parameter . 此外,您不应在模式中包括滞后,因为它们是作为单独的参数传递的。 For example: 例如:

re.sub("\.", "", "a.b.c.d", flags=re.MULTILINE)

# is equivivalent to
trans = str.maketrans("<pattern>", "<replacement>")

But in the case of y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ it's just as simple as <input>.lower() . 但是对于y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/它就像<input>.lower()一样简单。

for file in $(ls rootDirectory) is roughly equivivalent to (taken from here ) for file in $(ls rootDirectory)中的文件大致等于(从此处获取

files = [f for f in os.listdir('<rootDirectory>') if os.path.isfile(f)]
for f in files:
    # do something

All together: 全部一起:

import os # don't forget to import required modules
import re

output_file = open('C:\\temp\\output.txt', 'w')

def process(line):
    result = line
    result = re.sub("\"","", result)
    result = re.sub("\.","", result)
    # do all the stuff your sed script does and than
    return result

files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
for file in files:
    file_handle = open(file_name, 'r')
    lines = file_handle.readlines()
    processed = map(process, lines)
    for line in processed:

Refer to the Python documentation for regex and file operations for details. 有关正则表达式文件操作的信息,请参阅Python文档。

You might want to try converting your sed script to Python automatically, but if it's a one time requirement it's simpler to do it by hand. 您可能想尝试将sed脚本自动转换为Python,但是如果这是一次性的要求,那么手工操作会更简单。

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