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如何使用jquery gmap3单击链接显示信息窗口

[英]How to display infowindow from clicking link using jquery gmap3

I am using jquery gmap3 to display a map with markers for each results found from a search I built. 我正在使用jquery gmap3来显示一个带有标记的地图,该标记用于从我建立的搜索中找到的每个结果。 Each marker has a infowindow that shows details about the location the marker is on, when someone clicks the marker on the map that infowindow shows that information. 每个标记都有一个信息窗口,当有人单击地图上的标记,信息窗口会显示该信息时,该信息窗口会显示有关标记所处位置的详细信息。 Below the map I show a list of the results found, for each result found what I want to do is have a link, when someone clicks that link the page scrolls up to the map then centers to the marker that the result belongs to and the infowindow pops up automatically. 在地图下方,我显示找到的结果的列表,对于找到的每个结果,我想要做的就是有一个链接,当有人单击该链接时,页面会向上滚动到地图,然后居中到结果所属的标记,并且信息窗口会自动弹出。 Is that possible? 那可能吗? Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

  var base_lat = 33.609063;
  var base_lon = -112.105135;
  var base_markers = [{"latLng":["33.609063","-112.105135"],"data":"<div class=\"estate_info\"><img src=\"\/img\/realestate\/test_estate.jpg\"><b><a href=\"\/charming-payette-lake-cabin-with-private-dock-beach-rl2\">1022 E. St. Mill Valley, CA 85282<\/a><\/b><ul><li><label>Beds:<\/label>6<\/li><li><label>Baths:<\/label>3.0<\/li><li><label>Levels:<\/label>2<\/li><\/ul><ul><li><label>Price:<\/label>$520,000<\/li><li><li><label>Sqft:<\/label>5,600<\/li><li><a href=\"\/charming-payette-lake-cabin-with-private-dock-beach-rl2\">View Details &raquo;<\/a><\/li><\/ul><\/div>","options":{"icon":"\/img\/markers\/number_1.png"}},{"latLng":["33.479913","-111.699535"],"data":"<div class=\"estate_info\"><img src=\"\/img\/realestate\/default_estate.jpg\"><b><a href=\"\/single-level-mountain-view-home-in-central-laveen-rl1\">South of Baseline Rd \/ 51st Ave Laveen, CA 85384<\/a><\/b><ul><li><label>Beds:<\/label>3<\/li><li><label>Baths:<\/label>2.5<\/li><li><label>Levels:<\/label>1<\/li><\/ul><ul><li><label>Price:<\/label>$124,563<\/li><li><li><label>Sqft:<\/label>2,500<\/li><li><a href=\"\/single-level-mountain-view-home-in-central-laveen-rl1\">View Details &raquo;<\/a><\/li><\/ul><\/div>","options":{"icon":"\/img\/markers\/number_2.png"}}];




                zoom: 9,
                mapTypeControl: true,
                mapTypeControlOptions: {
                  style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU
                navigationControl: true,
                scrollwheel: true,
                streetViewControl: true



            values: base_markers,


                draggable: false



                click: function(marker, event, context) {

                    var map = $(this).gmap3("get"),

                    infowindow = $(this).gmap3({get:{name:"infowindow"}});

                    if (infowindow) {

                        infowindow.open(map, marker);

                    }else {



                                options:{content: context.data}








Here are my results displaying under the map: 这是我在地图下显示的结果:

<li class="listing first">
                                       <div class="rphoto"><a href="#" style="background-image:url('/img/realestate/test_estate.jpg');"></a></div>
                                       <div class="details">
                                         <strong>1. <a href="#">Charming Payette Lake Cabin with private dock & beach</a></strong>
                                         <span>Type: Condo | Built: 1995 | Status: Backup or Contingent</span>
                                         <div class="info">This charming cabin is located on Payette Lake with private dock and beach. It offers 2 Bedroom and 1 Bath. Sleeps 8 with 2 Doubles, 1 bunk and 1 queen hideabed...<nav>Mill Valley, CA | Price: $520,000 | <a href="#">View Details &raquo;</a></nav></div>
                                           <li class="last">5,600<br>Sqft</li>
<li class="listing last">
                                       <div class="rphoto"><a href="#" style="background-image:url('/img/realestate/default_estate.jpg');"></a></div>
                                       <div class="details">
                                         <strong>2. <a href="#">Single-level mountain-view home in central Laveen</a></strong>
                                         <span>Type: House | Built: 2003 | Status: Active</span>
                                         <div class="info">With 3,200 square feet of living area and located just one lot back from the ocean, makes childhood dreams of fantastic sandcastles come true - and you can be one of the...<nav>Laveen, CA | Price: $124,563 | <a href="#">View Details &raquo;</a></nav></div>
                                           <li class="last">2,500<br>Sqft</li>

So again in the search results how can I have it where if they click a link for one of the results it then centers the map where that marker is, so example the second result would center to the second marker on the map then the infowindow would automatically show. 因此,在搜索结果中又如何获得它们的位置,如果他们单击某个结果的链接,则它将地图居中于该标记所在的位置,因此示例第二个结果将居中于地图上的第二个标记,然后信息窗口将自动显示。 How can I do that using the jquery gmap3 code? 如何使用jquery gmap3代码做到这一点? Here is an example of what Im referring to: 这是Im所指的示例:

http://koti.mbnet.fi/ojalesa/boundsbox/makemarker_sidebar_plain.htm http://koti.mbnet.fi/ojalesa/boundsbox/makemarker_sidebar_plain.htm

Ok I was able to figure it out. 好吧,我能够弄清楚。 Here is the jquery code I added: 这是我添加的jQuery代码:

    $(".propertyclick").click(function() {

        //We first scroll to top of page
        $("html,body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 },"fast");

        //We then get the current id of the marker being clicked
        var id = $(this).attr('data-marker');

        //We now get the marker in the map that they want to see
        var marker = $("#estate_searchmap").gmap3({ get: { id: id } });

        //We now simulate that marker being clicked via the map

        return false;


In the listing results I added a link for them to click to trigger this: 在清单结果中,我添加了一个链接,供他们单击以触发此操作:

<a href="" class="propertyclick" data-marker="property1"></a>

data-marker holds the id I assign to each marker in the json value in my original code called base_markers. data-marker保留了我分配给我的原始代码base_markers的json值中每个标记的ID。 So now you will see a new value in each marker such as id: "property1" then the next would be id: "property2" and so on. 因此,现在您将在每个标记中看到一个新值,例如id:“ property1”,下一个将是id:“ property2”,依此类推。 That is how I reference in the click function above to know which marker to call. 这就是我在上面的click函数中引用以知道要调用哪个标记的方式。

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