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php mysql如何使用mysql_insert_id()能够同时插入2个表中?

[英]php mysql how to use mysql_insert_id() to be able to insert into 2 table at the same time?

I am using php with mysql database to do some insert. 我在mysql数据库中使用php进行一些插入。 I have 2 tables. 我有2张桌子。

  • user 用户
  • status where the second table has as foreign key user_id to relate between these 2 tables 第二张表作为外键user_id在这两个表之间关联的状态

my problem is that when i insert into status table the user_id field do change and take 0 no matter what is the user_id. 我的问题是,当我插入状态表时,无论user_id是什么,user_id字段都会更改并取0。

so how to fix this problem ??? 那么如何解决这个问题呢?

this is the code of login.php 这是login.php的代码

//array for JSON response
$response = array();

// check for required fields
if(empty($_POST['user']) || empty($_POST['password'])){
       $response["success"] = 0;
       $response["message"] = "enter Both Fields";
        // echoing JSON response
        die (json_encode($response));


else if (isset($_POST['user']) && isset($_POST['password']) ) {

    $user = $_POST['user'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];

    // include db connect class
    require_once '/db_connect.php';

    // connecting to db
    $db = new DB_CONNECT();

    // mysql inserting a new row
    $sql = mysql_query("Select user, password from users where user='$user'")or die(mysql_error());
    $count_query = mysql_num_rows($sql);
    if($count_query >0){
     $response["success"] = 1;
        $response["message"] = "correct Informations";

   // echoing JSON response
        echo json_encode($response);
        $response["success"] = 0;
        $response["message"] = "Wrong User Or Pass";

        // echoing JSON response
        echo json_encode($response);
else {
    // required field is missing
    $response["success"] = 0;
    $response["message"] = "Required field(s) is missing";

    // echoing JSON response
    echo json_encode($response);

status.php status.php


 * Following code will create a new product row
 * All product details are read from HTTP Post Request

// array for JSON response
$response = array();
       $response["success"] = 0;
       $response["message"] = "You must Write something";
        // echoing JSON response
        die (json_encode($response));

// check for required fields
else if (isset($_POST['status'])) {

    $status = $_POST['status'];

    // include db connect class
    require_once __DIR__ . '/db_connect.php';

    // connecting to db
    $db = new DB_CONNECT();

    // mysql inserting a new row
    $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO status(status, user_id) VALUES('$status' , '$last_insert_id')") or die(mysql_error);
    $last_insert_id = mysql_insert_id();

    // check if row inserted or not
    if ($result) {
        // successfully inserted into database
        $response["success"] = 1;
        $response["message"] = "Your Status has been saved.";

        // echoing JSON response
        die (json_encode($response));
    } else {
        // failed to insert row
        $response["success"] = 0;
        $response["message"] = "Oops! An error occurred.";

        // echoing JSON response
        die (json_encode($response));



i am using php with android so their is no html form 我在Android上使用php,因此它们不是html格式

You can't. 你不能 mysql_insert_id() only applies to the LAST insert performed. mysql_insert_id()仅适用于最后执行的插入。 If you're doing two inserts, and call insert_id() after the second one, the first ID is lost. 如果您要进行两次插入,并在第二次插入之后调用insert_id(),则第一个ID将丢失。

There is no way around this. 没有办法解决这个问题。

You must have something like: 您必须具有以下内容:

INSERT INTO foo ....
$fooid = mysql_insert_id();
INSERT INTO bar .... foo_id=$fooid
$barid = mysql_insert_id();

Given that your code actually seems to be split into multiple pages, it's even worse. 鉴于您的代码实际上似乎被拆分为多个页面,因此情况甚至更糟。 mysql_insert_id() only applies to the CURRENT connection to the database. mysql_insert_id()仅适用于与数据库的当前连接。 Once your first script exits, the connection is closed and the insert_id is lost. 一旦第一个脚本退出,连接将关闭,insert_id丢失。

The next script will get a NEW connection, and have its own completely separate insert_id system going. 下一个脚本将获得一个NEW连接,并具有其自己完全独立的insert_id系统。

For chaining multiple pages together like this, you'll have to retrieve/pass the insert ID around yourself, eg 为了像这样将多个页面链接在一起,您必须在自己周围检索/传递插入ID,例如

page1: 第1页:

$_SESSION['page1_id'] = mysql_insert_id();

page2: 第2页:

$last_id = $_SESSION['page1_id'];
INSERT ..... id=$last_id

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