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[英]Save Data fromTinyMCE to php using ajax

I am using TinyMCE in my application 我在应用程序中使用TinyMCE

i want to save the data entered in TinyMCE using ajax to php 我想使用Ajax保存在TinyMCE中输入的数据到PHP

I have tried using tinyMCE.triggerSave() before send to ajax but when some emoticons | 我试过使用tinyMCE.triggerSave()然后发送给ajax,但是当某些表情符号 images are added i get the out put as [img] link for image [/img] done this html regnosie this type of coding when output as html in browser ? 添加图像后,我得到了[img] link for image [/img]完成了该html,当在浏览器中以html输出时,这种类型的编码是否正确?

how i can save the data as a html to db 我如何将数据另存为html到db

My Script 我的剧本

    theme: "modern",
    menubar: false,
    statusbar: false,
    plugins: [
        "save advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview anchor",
        "searchreplace spellchecker visualblocks code fullscreen",
        "insertdatetime media table contextmenu paste emoticons bbcode  anchor lists"
    toolbar:" save bold italic | bullist numlist outdent indent | autolink | link | image | lists | charmap | anchor | spellchecker | wordcount visualblocks | visualchars | table | directionality | emoticons | paste |  spellchecker | bbcode | code |",
entity_encoding: 'raw'


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