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[英]UPDATE column values of a table based on no child rows in another table

I have an "items" table:我有一个“项目”表:

item_id |      expiration       | status 
   1    |  2014-04-02 12:00:00  |  NULL
   2    |  2014-04-01 17:00:00  |  NULL
   3    |  2014-03-31 17:30:00  |  NULL
   4    |  2014-04-14 19:00:00  |  NULL

and an "bids" table:和“出价”表:

 bid_id  | item_id | withdrawn | amount
   1     |    1    |    NULL   |   10
   2     |    1    |    NULL   |   20
   3     |    1    |    NULL   |   30
   4     |    2    |     1     |   15
   5     |    4    |    NULL   |   10

The item_id column in the bids table is the child of item_id in the items table. bids 表中的 item_id 列是 items 表中 item_id 的子项。

I need to figure out an UPDATE query that does one of two things:我需要找出一个执行以下两件事之一的 UPDATE 查询:

  1. Adds 7 days to expiration if the item is expired (expiration < NOW()) and there are no bids for it in the bids table.如果商品已过期(过期 < NOW())并且出价表中没有针对该商品的出价,则将到期时间增加 7 天。
  2. Or updates the item's status to sold if the item is expired and there are bids for it in the bids table.或者,如果项目已过期并且出价表中有出价,则将项目的状态更新为已售出。

So given the data in the two tables above and today's date of 4/4/14, the results of the update query I need would:因此,鉴于上面两个表中的数据和今天 4/4/14 的日期,我需要的更新查询的结果将:

  1. Update the status of item 1 to sold (since it has expired and there are bids for it) .将项目 1 的状态更新为已售出(因为它已过期并且有出价)
  2. Add 7 days to the expiration of item 2 (since it has expired and the only bid for it was withdrawn) .将第 2 项的到期时间增加 7 天(因为它已经到期并且唯一的投标已被撤回)
  3. Add 7 days to the expiration of item 3 (since it has expired and there are no bids for it) .将第 3 项的到期时间添加 7 天(因为它已经到期并且没有出价)
  4. Ignore item 4 (since it has not yet expired) .忽略第 4 项(因为它还没有过期)

Anyway, I'm having trouble trying to figure out the proper query.无论如何,我在尝试找出正确的查询时遇到了麻烦。 Any help would be greatly appreciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。 Thanks for taking the time.感谢您抽出宝贵的时间。

Best, Josh最好的,乔希

Both parts together.两部分一起。

UPDATE items a 
    LEFT JOIN bids b
      ON a.item_id = b.item_id
        and b.withdrawn IS NULL
SET a.expiration = CASE WHEN b.bid_id IS NULL
                        THEN DATE_ADD(a.expiration,INTERVAL 7 DAY) 
                        ELSE a.expiration
    a.status = CASE WHEN b.bid_id IS NOT NULL
                    THEN 'sold'
                    ELSE a.status
WHERE expiration < NOW();


Here is what I did:这是我所做的:

1.Adds 7 days to expiration if the item is expired (expiration < NOW()) and there are no bids for it in the bids table. 1.如果商品已过期(过期 < NOW())且竞价表中没有竞价,则将过期时间增加 7 天。

update items set expiration = timestampadd(day, 7, expiration) where expiration < now()
and 0 = (select count(*) from bids where bids.item_id = items.item_id and isnull(withdrawn) );

2.Or updates the item's status to sold if the item is expired and there are bids for it in the bids table. 2.或者,如果商品已过期并且投标表中有投标,则将商品的状态更新为已售出。

update items set status = "sold" where expiration < now()
and 0 < (select count(*) from bids where bids.item_id = items.item_id and isnull(withdrawn) );

Part I:第一部分:

  SET expiration = DATE_ADD(I.expiration,INTERVAL 7 DAY)
WHERE I.expiration < NOW() 
  AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Bids AS B WHERE B.item_id = I.item_id AND B.Withdrawn IS NULL)

Part II:第二部分:

  SET Status = 'Sold'
WHERE I.expiration < NOW() 
  AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Bids AS B WHERE B.item_id = I.item_id AND B.withdraw IS NULL)

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