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[英]SyntaxError: Unexpected token > in Coffeescript

I just started learning Coffeescript and have syntax error that I can't figure out. 我刚刚开始学习Coffeescript,但遇到语法错误,无法弄清。 I have written the following code: 我写了以下代码:

exports.list = (req, res) ->
  User.find({}).select('username').exec (err, results) ->
    if err
      viewData = 
        title: 'Users'
        users: results

      res.render 'users', viewData

When executed it throws SyntaxError: Unexpected token > on line 1 , but as far as I know this should be the right syntax for Coffeescript? 执行时,它SyntaxError: Unexpected token > on line 1引发SyntaxError: Unexpected token > on line 1 ,但据我所知,这应该是Coffeescript的正确语法?

The code is valid CoffeeScript. 该代码是有效的CoffeeScript。

It appears that whatever is executing this code is expecting JavaScript, not CoffeeScript. 似乎执行此代码的任何人都期望使用JavaScript,而不是CoffeeScript。 By pasting your code into a JavaScript console I got the exact same error. 通过将代码粘贴到JavaScript控制台中,我得到了完全相同的错误。

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