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ListBox WPF中的条件绑定

[英]Conditional binding in ListBox WPF

I have a listbox in which drag and drop is implemented. 我有一个在其中实现拖放的列表框。 I have bound SelectedItem and SelectedIndex properties. 我已经绑定了SelectedItem和SelectedIndex属性。 The SelectedItem and SelectedIndex properties gets set whenever there is a mouse down event. 每当发生鼠标按下事件时,就会设置SelectedItem和SelectedIndex属性。 How do I prevent it from getting set when there only is a drag and drop operation? 仅进行拖放操作时,如何防止其设置? I tried overiding the previewleftbuttondown but found no success. 我尝试覆盖previewleftbuttondown,但未成功。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗? I need some thing like: 我需要一些东西:

       TimeSpan difference = DateTime.Now - mousePressedTime;

        if (difference.TotalSeconds >= 3)
            // long press
            //SelectedIndex  and SelectedItem should not be set.
            // short press
            //SelectedIndex  and SelectedItem should be set.

I found a solution finally. 我终于找到了解决方案。 But I couldn't do anything with the binding. 但是绑定我什么也做不了。 What I did was I created my own Listbox and hooked the PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown and PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp events. 我所做的是创建了自己的列表框,并挂接了PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown和PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp事件。 What ever logic I was executing in the SelectedItem and SelectedIndex properties of the listbox, I had to move it some where else. 无论我在列表框的SelectedItem和SelectedIndex属性中执行什么逻辑,我都必须将其移动到其他位置。 The code is as follows, hope it gives a better idea: 代码如下,希望能给出更好的主意:

 public class DragDropListBox : ListBox
    private static DateTime mousePressedTime;

    public DragDropListBox()
      this.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownHandler;
      this.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp   += PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpHandler;

    private void PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownHandler(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
      mousePressedTime    = DateTime.Now;

    private void PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpHandler(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
      TimeSpan difference = DateTime.Now - mousePressedTime;

      if (difference.TotalSeconds <= 1)
        // short press
        if (SelectedItem != null)
            // do what ever you have to

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