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[英]Saving list from python to text file in format

Say I have a txt file, 说我有一个txt文件,


And I use the following code to convert it into a python list 我使用以下代码将其转换为python列表

def load_list(filename):
    my_file = open(filename, "rU")
    my_list = []
    for line in my_file:
        a,b = line.rstrip("\n").split(",")
    return my_list

which outputs [(datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 12, 0, 0), 'fantasy'), (datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 3, 0, 输出[[datetime.datetime(2014,3,12,0,0),'fantasy'),(datetime.datetime(2014,4,3,0,
0), 'history'), (datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 12, 0, 0), 'sci-fi')]. 0),'history'),(datetime.datetime(2014,4,12,0,0),'sci-fi')]。

I can assume that the list will be further modified (appended and removed) while being used. 我可以假定该列表在使用时将被进一步修改(添加和删除)。 My question is, how can I implement a function to export the list as a txt file that followed the formatting of the original file? 我的问题是,如何实现将列表导出为遵循原始文件格式的txt文件的功能?

You can use csv module for reading and writing. 您可以使用csv模块进行读写。

In order to follow the date format, use strptime() and strftime() ( docs ) from the datetime module. 为了遵循日期格式,请使用datetime模块中的strptime()strftime()docs )。

Here's a complete example: 这是一个完整的示例:

import csv
from datetime import datetime

FORMAT = '%d/%m/%Y'

def load_list(filename):
    my_list = []
    with open(filename, "rU") as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        for line in reader:
            my_list.append([line[0], datetime.strptime(line[1], FORMAT)])
    return my_list

def save_list(filename, my_list):
    with open(filename, "w") as f:
        writer = csv.writer(f)
        for item in my_list:
            writer.writerow([item[0], item[1].strftime(FORMAT)])

my_list = load_list('input.txt')
save_list('output.txt', my_list)

It reads the data from input.txt and writes it to output.txt . 它从input.txt读取数据并将其写入output.txt After running the script, output.txt contains the same data as input.txt : 运行脚本后, output.txt包含与input.txt相同的数据:


Hope that helps. 希望能有所帮助。

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