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[英]Accessing properties/ methods from objects (javascript)

I am a typical Java programmer with traditional OOPs knowledge. 我是具有传统OOP知识的典型Java程序员。 I am trying to learn JS now. 我正在尝试学习JS。 I have learned that a function is JS is a first class object, like any other object it has properties and methods. 我了解到,函数JS是一流的对象,就像它具有属性和方法的任何其他对象一样。 based on this I have written following code: 基于此,我编写了以下代码:

function Note(name, text)
    this.name = name;
    this.text = text;

   function displayNote()

I am now trying to access the displayNote function from the not object, with the follwing code: 我现在尝试使用以下代码从not对象访问displayNote函数:

var note = new Note("a", "c");

But it alerts undefined. 但是它会发出未定义的警报。 This may be due to the scope issue. 这可能是由于范围问题。 So I tried with this: 所以我尝试了这个:

function Note(name, text)
    this.name = name;
    this.text = text;

   function displayNote()
       var self = this;

var note = new Note("a", "c");

Still the same result. 结果还是一样。 Any explanations? 有什么解释吗?

You need to do: 您需要做:

function Note(name, text)
    this.name = name;
    this.text = text;

    this.displayNote = function()

It is showing undefined, because you haven't defined the displayNote property. 它显示为undefined,因为您尚未定义displayNote属性。

Also, to call a function you need to do: 另外,要调用一个函数,您需要执行以下操作:

var note = new Note("a", "c");
note.displayNote();// it will automatically alert. Otherwise you'll have two alerts. The second one being undefined.

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Try this. 尝试这个。

this.displayNote = function()

Now it's a property of the Note object. 现在,它是Note对象的属性。 Plus I think you want to do this: 另外,我认为您想这样做:

note.displayNote(); // Note the brackets to call.

In here with the code as 在这里的代码为


You are calling the alert twice. 您两次拨打警报。

So please just call the function 所以请只调用函数


you can use like below 你可以像下面这样使用

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

person = new Object()
person.name = "Tim Scarfe"
person.height = "6Ft"

person.run = function() {
    this.state = "running"
    this.speed = "4ms^-1"


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