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Haskell中的Set Comprehensions中的模式匹配是否可能,或者有什么替代方法?

[英]Is pattern matching in Set Comprehensions in Haskell possible, or what is an alternative?

I am trying to work out if it is possible to pattern match in Haskell set comprehensions. 我正在尝试确定是否可以在Haskell集合理解中进行模式匹配。 I have a list of lists containing Tuples, or nested lists and tuples; 我有一个包含元组或嵌套列表和元组的列表。

EG 例如

[[(1,("A",1)), (2,("B",1))], [(0,("A",1)), (3,("B",2)),  (2,("C",1))]]

I want to discard the tuples containing "A" and preform arbitrary computations on the others. 我想丢弃包含“ A”的元组,并对其他元组执行任意计算。

I was thinking along the lines: 我一直在思考:

pack(xs:xss) = [package x | x <- xs, x /= (1,("A", 1))] : (pack xss)
pack(_) = []

package x = case x of
    (i, ("B", j)) -> (i + j, ("B", j * i)) 
    (i, ("C", j)) -> (i * j, ("C", j + i))
    (otherwise) -> x

Where the following might permit wildcards: 以下内容可能允许使用通配符:

x /= (1,("A", 1))

Such as: 如:

x /= (_,("A", _))

It is worth noting that the numbers in the nested tuple will always be of type int, not sure if that helps... 值得注意的是,嵌套元组中的数字将始终为int类型,不确定是否有帮助...

I have looked around but can not see if this is possible, it appears that maybe filtering is a better option as noted below; 我环顾四周,但看不到是否可行,如下所示,似乎过滤是一个更好的选择。 however we are filtering on unknowns. 但是我们正在过滤未知数。

Haskell List Comprehension and Pattern Matching Haskell列表理解和模式匹配

My issue is an abstracted example from a larger piece of work/function but hopefully I have captured the essence of the issue here. 我的问题是从较大的工作/功能中提取的一个抽象示例,但希望我已经在这里抓住了问题的实质。 I am open to alternative suggestions. 我愿意接受其他建议。

If you wanted to filter the elements that match a pattern, you could use a pattern on the left hand side of the <- , eg 如果要过滤模式匹配的元素,则可以在<-的左侧使用模式,例如

... = [package x | x@(_, ("A", _)) <- xs] : ...

This will throw away anything that doesn't match the pattern. 这将丢弃任何与模式不匹配的内容。

Filtering elements that don't match a pattern isn't quite as nice. 过滤模式不匹配的元素不是很好。 You could do it using a case expression as a guard, but it gets kind of ugly. 您可以使用case表达式作为防护来做到这一点,但是它有点难看。

... = [package x | x <- xs, case x of (_,("A", _)) -> False; _ -> True] : ...

A prettier alternative is to move the pattern match into a function. 一个更漂亮的选择是将模式匹配移到一个函数中。

... = [package x | x <- xs, want x] : ...
   where want (_,("A", _)) = False
         want _ = True

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