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[英]Session attribute not reflected in JSP

So I have jsp one that loads some request params as a session which I access in my second jsp . 所以我有一个jsp,它将一些请求参数作为会话加载到第二个jsp中。

My jsp 1 code is : 我的jsp 1代码是:

<jsp:useBean id="Emails" scope="request" class="java.lang.String" />

String email = Emails;
session.setAttribute( "allEmail",email);

<p style="display:block" ><%= session.getAttribute( "allEmail" )%></p>

My jsp 2 code is : 我的jsp 2代码是:

<p style="display:block" ><%= session.getAttribute( "allEmail" )%></p>

Now I can see the <p> in the first jsp populated properly with the data but the paragraph in my second jsp just blank 现在,我可以看到<p>一个jsp中的<p>正确地填充了数据,但是第二个jsp中的段落只是空白

when I change session.setAttribute( "allEmail",email); 当我更改session.setAttribute( "allEmail",email); to something like session.setAttribute( "allEmail","hello world); I can see the correct value reflected in both paragraphs . 到诸如session.setAttribute( "allEmail","hello world);我可以看到两个段落中反映的正确值。

What am I doing wrong ? 我究竟做错了什么 ?

the servlet that populates jsp1 has the following request dispatcher 填充jsp1的servlet具有以下请求分配器

RequestDispatcher dispatch = request.getRequestDispatcher("jsp1");

I think the issue is both the jsp's are initialised at the same time so the session in the second jsp has no value . 我认为问题在于两个jsp都在同一时间初始化,因此第二个jsp中的会话没有任何价值。

What you want to pass here is a String into session scope. 您要在此处传递的是进入会话范围的字符串。 1) You don't require a jsp useBean for this. 1)您不需要使用jsp useBean。 You can directly set in session scope with scriptlet you currently have. 您可以使用当前拥有的脚本直接在会话范围内进行设置。

To use jsp useBean tag, the component class should be of type JavaBean. 要使用jsp useBean标记,组件类应为JavaBean类型。 You are using String class which is immutable. 您正在使用不可变的String类。 And so you cannot set any property for String to be used in useBean. 因此,您无法为要在useBean中使用的String设置任何属性。 Unfortunately scriptlet error was not captured/not thrown (don't know) when you are assigning with 不幸的是,当您分配时,scriptlet错误未捕获/未抛出(不知道)

    String email = Emails;

Why it was working when you are setting? 为什么设置时它可以正常工作?

    session.setAttribute( "allEmail","hello world"); 

This is as good as setting: 这和设置一样好:

        String email = "hello world";
        session.setAttribute( "allEmail",email);

If you want to pass some String property along with other properties if required, define like: 如果需要传递一些String属性以及其他属性,请定义如下:

    public class YourBean implements java.io.Serializable
       private String propertyName = null;

       public String getPropertyName(){
          return propertyName;
       public void setPropertyName(String propertyName){
          this.propertyName = propertyName;

and then set property as: 然后将属性设置为:

    <jsp:useBean id="yourBean" class="package.YourBean" scope="bean scope">
       <jsp:setProperty name="yourBean" property="propertyName"  value="value"/>

As per the above scenario. 按照上述方案。 Since request will hold the session object for sure. 因为请求肯定会保留会话对象。

You can try this :- 您可以尝试:-

<p style="display:block" >
    <%(String)request.getSession().getAttribute("allEmails"); %>

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