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[英]Paperclip retrieve styles dimentions

I work with Rails 4 and use PaperClip to attach images to different models. 我使用Rails 4,并使用PaperClip将图像附加到不同的模型。

I would like to retrieve styles dimensions in order to use them as a hint for user, something like: 我想检索样式尺寸,以便将其用作对用户的提示,例如:

<%= t('image_dimensions_hint', :dimensions => Person.avatar.standard') %>

When my model Person looks like that: 当我的模型Person看起来像这样时:

has_attached_file :avatar,
 :styles => { 
   :standard => "150x150>",
   :small => "50x50>>",

Is it possible? 可能吗?


:dimensions => Paperclip::Geometry.from_file(file.queued_for_write[:original].path)

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