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[英]Serialize byte array property of class as boolean in json

I have the following class 我有以下课程

public class MyClass
     public int Id { get; set; }           
     public byte[] Logo { get; set; }   

I want to serialize Logo property in json as boolean: true if Logo is different than null, false otherwise. 我想将JSON中的Logo属性序列化为布尔值:如果Logo与null不同,则为true,否则为false。 How can I use JsonProperty decorator? 如何使用JsonProperty装饰器?

If you use the following JsonConverter class, it will serialize how you want. 如果使用以下JsonConverter类,它将序列化所需的方式。 I haven't implemented ReadJson (deserialization), since the data is no longer there. 我没有实现ReadJson (反序列化),因为数据不再存在。 There are other ways to implement this, I'm sure, but I simply serialized an anonymous object with the right data. 我敢肯定,还有其他方法可以实现此目的,但是我只是简单地序列化了带有正确数据的匿名对象。 At first, I tried to write a converter for byte[] , but Json.NET apparently doesn't even try to use the converter for null values, so it'd give null or true , instead of false or true . 最初,我尝试为byte[]写一个转换器,但Json.NET显然甚至没有尝试将转换器用于null值,因此它会给出nulltrue ,而不是falsetrue

public class MyClassConverter : JsonConverter
    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
        return typeof(MyClass) == objectType;
    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType,
                 object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value,
                                     JsonSerializer serializer)
        var myClass = (MyClass)value;
        serializer.Serialize(writer, new { Id = myClass.Id,
                                           Logo = myClass.Logo != null });

Either specify it as the converter for the class: 可以将其指定为该类的转换器:

public class MyClass
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public byte[] Logo { get; set; }

Or specify it when you're serializing (I'd recommend this if you can't modify MyClass , or only sometimes want to serialize it like this): 或在序列化时指定它(如果您不能修改MyClass ,或者有时仅想像这样序列化,建议您这样做):

var s1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new MyClass(), new MyClassConverter());
var s2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new MyClass
        { Id = 1, Logo = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, } }, new MyClassConverter());

Here's another way to do it. 这是另一种方法。 I'd prefer this if you're ok with adding a property and able to modify MyClass : 如果您可以添加属性并能够修改MyClass则我更愿意这样做:

public class MyClass
     public int Id { get; set; }
     public bool HasLogo { get { return Logo != null; } }
     public byte[] Logo { get; set; }

Outputs something like: 输出类似:

{"Id":0,"Logo":false} // or

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