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[英]Deploying to bintray from Maven fails

I've set up the maven build for a Java project according to Publishing releases using Github, Bintray and maven-release-plugin , a blog post by Andreas Veithen. 根据发布版本,我使用Github,Bintray和maven-release-plugin (由Andreas Veithen撰写的博客文章)为Java项目设置了maven构建。

My pom version is 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT, and I've created the respective version 1.0.2 in my bintray package. 我的pom版本是1.0.2-SNAPSHOT,并且我在bintray包中创建了相应的1.0.2版本。 I perform mvn -Prelease clean install , no problems. 我执行mvn -Prelease clean install ,没有问题。 I perform mvn release:prepare , no problems. 我执行mvn release:prepare ,没有问题。 But when I perform mvn release:perform , the build breaks with the error message below. 但是,当我执行mvn release:perform ,构建会因以下错误消息而中断。

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy 
(default-deploy) on project [PROJECT]: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not 
transfer artifact my.project:test:jar:1.0.2-20140408.154954-1 from/to bintray-
user-maven-package (https://api.bintray.com/maven/user/maven/package): Failed to 
transfer file: https://api.bintray.com/maven/user/maven/package/my/project/test/
1.0.2-SNAPSHOT/test-1.0.2-20140408.154954-1.jar. Return code is: 400, 
ReasonPhrase: Bad Request. -> [Help 1]

I'm noticing that the release plugin is trying to upload the SNAPSHOT , and of course this should have no place on bintray... I'd have thought that it would try to deploy 1.0.2 ? 我注意到该发行插件正在尝试上传SNAPSHOT ,当然在Bintray上应该没有这个位置了……我以为它会尝试部署1.0.2吗? How can I convince maven to upload the correct artifact, or is there anything wrong with my set up? 如何说服Maven上传正确的工件,或者我的设置有什么问题?

Below are the parts of the POM that I think are relevant, the complete POM is at pastebin . 以下是我认为相关的POM部分,完整的POM在pastebin上






You'll have to post your pom in order to understand what's wrong with your maven release plugin configuration. 您必须发布pom才能了解maven版本插件配置的问题。

Also consider this: You can use oss.jfrog.org to host your snapshots and convert to releases automatically during the push to Bintray. 还请考虑以下事项:您可以使用oss.jfrog.org 托管快照,并在推送到Bintray期间自动将其转换为发行版。

  • Disadvantage - for open-source projects that linked to jcenter only 缺点-适用于仅链接到jcenter的开源项目
  • Advantage - everything else :) Free Artifactory instance for development process, integration with any CI server (hosted or cloud), transparent release to Bintray with a single rest API call. 优势- 其他所有功能 :)用于开发过程的免费Artifactory实例,与任何CI服务器(托管或云)的集成,通过单个rest API调用向Bintray的透明发布。

During the maven mvn release:perform step, the file should be transfered to: 在maven mvn release:perform步骤中,应将文件传输到:


And not to: 而不是:


This is why Bintray correcly returns: 这就是Bintray正确返回的原因:

Return code is: 400, ReasonPhrase: Bad Request.

Upgrading maven-release-plugin from (my) v2.2.2 to currently latest v2.5 fixed it for me. 将maven-release-plugin从(my)v2.2.2升级到当前最新的v2.5,为我修复了该问题。 After the upgrade, the mvn release:prepare step behave differently. 升级后, mvn release:prepare步骤的行为会有所不同。

Return code is: 401 返回码是:401

As mentionned by @vorburger in the comment, if (using maven-deploy-plugin:2.7) Bintray returns: 正如@vorburger在评论中提到的那样,如果(使用maven-deploy-plugin:2.7)Bintray返回:

Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized.

Then that 'just' means that you have no or a wrong username and password for the <server> in the settings.xml : 然后,“ just”意味着您在settings.xml<server>没有用户名或密码错误:


The matching-id value should be the same than the one defined in the pom.xml file (in the <distributionManagement> > <repository> section). matching-id值应与pom.xml文件(在<distributionManagement> >> <repository>部分中)定义的值相同。

The bintray-api-key value can be generated in the API Key section of the Bintray profile settings . 可以在Bintray配置文件设置的“ API密钥”部分中生成bintray-api-key值。

Do not use mvn deploy for to perform a release 不要使用mvn deploy执行发布

By mistake I originally tried mvn deploy (which attempted to push a *-SNAPSHOT ) instead of mvn release:prepare + mvn release:perform (which correctly creates and pushes a release). 由于错误,我最初尝试了mvn deploy (试图推送*-SNAPSHOT ),而不是mvn release:prepare + mvn release:perform (可以正确创建并推送版本)。

I had the same problem. 我有同样的问题。 Downgrading the maven-release-plugin to version 2.4 solved the issue for me. 将maven-release-plugin降级到2.4版对我来说解决了这个问题。

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