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[英]How to use a template for configuration file in Puppet

I am new to Puppet and I am writing a module to setup configuration files. 我是Puppet的新手,我正在编写一个模块来设置配置文件。 The problem is when multiple clients will be using my module they will have to edit it according to their system. 问题是当多个客户端将使用我的模块时,他们将不得不根据他们的系统进行编辑。 I have heard that templates are way to solve this problem. 我听说模板是解决这个问题的方法。 But I am not able to get it how to use a template for setting up configuration file. 但我无法得到如何使用模板来设置配置文件。

If anyone of you can give me a simple to follow example using templates to configure files would be really helpful. 如果你们中的任何人都可以给我一个简单的例子,使用模板来配置文件会非常有帮助。 For example how can i setup Apache sites-available default configuration file using template, or give any other example you feel will help a new puppet user. 例如,如何使用模板设置Apache站点 - 可用的默认配置文件,或者给出您认为有助于新木偶用户的任何其他示例。 BTW I am on Ubuntu machine. BTW我在Ubuntu机器上。

The PuppetLabs docs on Using Puppet Templates has an example of an Apache configuration for a Trac site. 关于使用Puppet模板的PuppetLabs文档有一个Trac站点的Apache配置示例。 This should be enough to get you started. 这应该足以让你入门。

Per OP's request, here's a simple example. 根据OP的要求,这是一个简单的例子。 I'm using NTP rather than the Apache default config since that's a fairly large and complex file. 我正在使用NTP而不是Apache默认配置,因为这是一个相当大而复杂的文件。 NTP is much simpler. NTP更简单。

Directory looks like this: 目录看起来像这样:


Partial contents /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp (just the portion defining the template): 部分内容/etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp (只是定义模板的部分):

$ntp_server_suffix = ".ubuntu.pool.ntp.org"

file { '/etc/ntp.conf':
    content => template('ntp/ntp.conf.erb'),
    owner   => root,
    group   => root,
    mode    => 644,

Contents of /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/templates/ntp.conf.erb : /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/templates/ntp.conf.erb内容:

driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
<% [1,2].each do |n| -%>
server <%=n-%><%=@ntp_server_suffix%>
<% end -%>

restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery
restrict -6 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery

When run with puppet this will result in an /etc/ntp.conf that looks like: 当使用puppet运行时,这将导致/etc/ntp.conf看起来像:

driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
server 1.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org
server 2.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org

restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery
restrict -6 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery

This demonstrates a few different concepts: 这展示了一些不同的概念:

  1. Variables defined in the puppet manifest (such as $ntp_server_suffix can be accessed as instance variables ( @ntp_server_suffix ) in the template puppet清单中定义的变量(例如$ntp_server_suffix可以作为模板中的实例变量( @ntp_server_suffix )进行访问
  2. Loops and other ruby code can be used in erb templates 可以在erb模板中使用循环和其他ruby代码
  3. Code between <% and %> is executed by ruby <%%>之间的代码由ruby执行
  4. Code between <%= and %> is executed and output by ruby 执行<%=%>之间的代码并由ruby输出
  5. Code between <%= and -%> is executed and output by ruby and the trailing newline character is suppressed. 执行<%=-%>之间的代码并由ruby输出,并且抑制尾随换行符。

Hope this helps you understand templates. 希望这可以帮助您理解模板。

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