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[英]Binding ContentControl to ViewModel and preserving that VM in the View associated with.

I am creating a WP8 application where I am binding contentcontrol to ViewModel. 我正在创建WP8应用程序,其中将contentcontrol绑定到ViewModel。 This ContentControl takes the DataTemplate specified in App.xaml.cs for that VM and bind to the contentcontrol template. 此ContentControl采用该VM的App.xaml.cs中指定的DataTemplate并绑定到contentcontrol模板。 But the problem is that I am not able to get the instance of that VM in my View. 但是问题是我无法在View中获取该VM的实例。 How can I get or pass my VM instance to my View that is been binded to the content control. 如何获取或传递我的VM实例到绑定到内容控件的View。 Here is the code? 这是代码?

The problem is when DyncmicContentControl gets a ViewModel it calls GetTemplate() method to get the corresponding DataTemplate from App.xaml.cs Which creates a new instance of that View but I am not able to pass this ViewModel to that View. 问题是当DyncmicContentControl获取一个ViewModel时,它将调用GetTemplate()方法从App.xaml.cs获取相应的DataTemplate,这将创建该View的新实例,但我无法将此ViewModel传递给该View。 How can I achieve this?? 我该如何实现?

ContentControl.cs ContentControl.cs

public class DynamicContentControl : ContentControl
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the value of the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl.Content" /> property changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldContent">The old value of the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl.Content" /> property.</param>
        /// <param name="newContent">The new value of the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl.Content" /> property.</param>
        protected override void OnContentChanged(object oldContent, object newContent)
            if (newContent != null)
                base.OnContentChanged(oldContent, newContent);
                this.ContentTemplate = DataTemplateSelector.GetTemplate(newContent);

DataTemplateSelector.cs DataTemplateSelector.cs

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the template.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="param">The parameter.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static DataTemplate GetTemplate(object param)
        Type t = param.GetType();

        DataTemplate templateData = App.Current.Resources[t.Name] as DataTemplate;

        return templateData;

MainPage.xaml MainPage.xaml

    <Controls:DynamicContentControl Content="{Binding UsrCntrlDynamic}" />

MainPageViewModel.cs MainPageViewModel.cs

 public static ObservableCollection<object> ContentControlItems;
 public MainPageViewModel()
     ContentControlItems = new ObservableCollection<object>();
     ContentControlItems.Add(new UserControlViewModel());

App.xaml 应用程式

 <DataTemplate x:Key="UserControlViewModel">
       <vm:UserControlView />

A DataTemplate set on a ContentControl 's ContentTemplate property is applied to the object that is set on that ContentControl 's Content property. ContentControlContentTemplate属性上设置的DataTemplate将应用于在该ContentControlContent属性上设置的对象。 So in this case setting the ContentTemplate should render that DataTemplate with whatever is in the UsrCntrlDynamic property that you're binding to. 因此,在这种情况下,设置ContentTemplate应该使用绑定到的UsrCntrlDynamic属性中的任何内容呈现该DataTemplate This assumes that the ControlTemplate for your ContentControl is set up properly, including a ContentPresenter to receive and render the Content , which may not be the case with your custom DynamicContentControl . 这假定ContentControlControlTemplate设置正确,包括一个ContentPresenter来接收和呈现Content ,而自定义DynamicContentControl可能不是这种情况。

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